Im ok

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Maybe I'm alright

Maybe I'm ok

Maybe I'll be fine
If nothing stays the same
If the days change
And sweep me away
I can always move with it
Move past it
Grasp at all the things I know
And hope one sticks
Maybe I am more than this

Maybe I am not

Maybe I stay in one place till I rot
Maybe I grow thick roots and vines
Or maybe
Just maybe

I don't
And I am just fine

Maybe I move
Maybe I grow
Maybe I go where the wind blows
Maybe I don't

I am not sure
All I know
Is that I am on a Better place than I was
And that I can move up
Scratch that,
I can move
That also be is something to celebrate
Not mistake
For tragedy

And maybe
I can trust
That things are good
And that they would
Stay this way
If I stay where I am
Maybe you can claw your way up from hell
Maybe I'm no longer by myself

And maybe
Just maybe

I'm ok

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