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And rusting
Can be the same thing
When something is sitting for too long
With too much water
And air
It goes through oxidation
And a creation

Of rust

Just be careful
My friend
That when you bend
You do not break
That when you stay
In the sun too long
You do not burn
That you turn
Every so often
To keep off the rust

You must
Not lose you
In the stew
Of newness
That surrounds you

I love you
And have thought of you lately
I worry about you
And care for you greatly
And hope you are finding yourself
Or have done some changing
Just do me a favor
And once a day
Do something you love.

One thing.

Take a picture.

Hum a note.

Listen to the birds.

Rhyme some words.


Please change
As much as you need to
But don't forget
Who you used to be
And what you used to do

In the proses of becoming all the things you could be
All the things you could do

Just please

Don't forget all the things you used to be

And used to do

Please my friend

Don't forget you

Because, a lot of people liked you.
Including you at one point
If I remember correctly

Things need to change
They need to grow
And need to be free

But when things get strange
Just know
That with every plant
Started a seed

Weed out the weeds

But remember the seed

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