Mama drama

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Moving on
Moving up
On the struggle bus
Of being enough
Lace up those boots
And pull up those straps
Once you walk down this path
There is

So slap on a smile
And enjoy the praise
Forget all the harsh words
That leave you sobbing for days
You got this

And that's the hard thing
I know I do
I know I got this
But you
Tear me apart
With just one word
Who knew
Was the hardest word you ever heard
For you it probably was
You gotta protect me
I know
You gotta glow and show that you're proud
But the moment the wound is out
You go in for the kill
"But will it hurt you
Will it harm you
Leave you bleeding inside
Aside from my obvious pride,
That I will no longer mention,
You could be pretending
And get hurt
You could be burned
Or killed
Or worse...

End up alone
Without a home
With no money
Or any thoughts of your own"

You imagine my dark future
So much in your head
I wonder if that is the future you plan for me instead
Because then
I will need you
And coming crying to mom

And I am crying
I sob
When your words cut me so deep

I got this
I know I got this

But it would be nice to know that you got me

I do not mean with money
I do not mean as a back up

I just want you to trust me

I know you care
I know you worry
I know you cry
But so do I

And I got this

And it just seems
Like you want me to fail sometimes
So you can be right

And that hurts

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