Let me be at ease

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I know that things are not
As they were
I know the sky still falls
To darkness
When the sun hides away
I know the stars still come out
To play
In the sparkly way they do
I know the earth still shakes
I know that things are new
I know that times change
And so do I

And so does the sky


The changes that are made
Never seem to stick
So what was the point in the first place?
Was there one?
Or was it just that bashful sun
And shining moon
That fills my heart with hope
And head with gloom

The soil in my fingertips
Is as disgusting
As the memories on my lips
Of all the people I should not have kissed
Yet the flowers that could grow there
Could dazzle
And I'm frazzled
Because all that dirt
Led the way for something new

I can't undo what happened
And it is so hard to move on
But at least I can sing songs
In the dark
At three am

Couldn't do that when I was 7
Acting like 11
Asking if heaven was real
And if I belonged there
If I even wanted to be
I say that I'll just be me
But that person keeps changing
Till I look in the mirror
And don't see me

Shake the burdens from my head
And the thoughts from my bed
So I can sleep
So I'm less lonely
So every party I create
Doesn't end up being empty
So my needs re plenty
But just barely filled
Just enough to survive
And breathe too

That is all I'm asking of you

Let me sleep

Let me breathe

And let me be at ease




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