Writing is hard, and im drunk

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Writing is hard
And I am drunk
I'm not sure why
I've been in such a funk

I'm trying
But I've been crying
So much
I'm getting headaches
And heartbreaks
When will the dream start
And the sweepstakes

I can pretend
My life is ending
All that I want
But to be honest

What I got is
A boyfriend that asked to kiss my cheek
Then kisses my ass
Making me laugh
And a girlfriend
That always knows just what to ask
A mother that tries hard
(A bit too much at times)
And friends from which to share these rhymes

And if I do not know you,

I appreciate you stopping by
Here, take a bit of my soul
It's on the pillow
Like a mint at a hotel
Just for youre pleasure
And for my bombshell
So I don't have to feel this anymore
And maybe you can relate

I write a lot about boyfriends
And how things go wrong
I write a lot about feelings
And try to make them into songs
I give an awful lot of thought
To tiny little things
And not very much to the bigger deals
Like wedding rings
As long as it's pretty
And fits on finger
As long as it lasts forever

I stumble through the hard times
Like a lightweight trips on the bar
I like to write about love
And things being written in stars
Just to keep them in jars
When they are not mine
They are ours
And I'd like to set them free
So maybe let's open the lid
You and me
And see where they go
And stare at stars
And watch trees grow
And let things go
Where they need to go

Maybe we could be friends some day
Why not?
You've been reading the fingerprint to my heart
I'm sure it's been a lot
And you don't know everything
You never could

But you're here

And that matters

You matter

Thank you for being here
And hearing me ramble
Thank you for getting though the bramble
Of this lost cause
As they figure their way out
Of the thick fog
Of a head that thinks too much
And a brain that never stops
And a body that has its limits
With a heart that gets some props
For making this far

I'm a little less drunk
But it's always hard to write

So thank you for being a part of my madness

Please enjoy you're stay,

And have a good night.

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