Day 33

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Rylie - 

I totally forgot what it was like to fly, I'm currently in an airplane being shipped over to San Francisco. I wonder what would happen to me if I jumped from the plane.. would I squish and die or would my actual self just die or would I wake up? 

A bunch of doctors and nurses are with me, checking up on how I'm doing and to make sure everything is going good. My nurse that's been with me since the beginning isn't much of help, she's more of an emotional wreck. She keeps whispering things in my ears, then trying to calm herself down. I've only managed to catch a few sentences of hers before she'd sob again. 

"Baby girl, you've come so far and I know you're going to wake up stronger than ever." She whispers softly, fixing my hair before wiping her tears. "I wish I could go with you, I wish I could watch over you. Tell them what to do and what not do you, what your favorite foods are." She laughs, taking a deep breath and kissing my forehead before sitting down as we begin to land. 

I sigh and close my eyes, not liking the rough landing we were experiencing at the moment. Once the plane has come to a stop, there was an ambulance already waiting for us as soon as we got out of the airplane. Instead of jogging over to the car, I sit down on the end of my bed as the push us along and into the vehicle. 

I just want to wake up, I've never felt so alone and invisible before. Sure, my friends had always left me out but now, I honestly can't talk to anyone. I'm so tired now, I can tell I've been getting weaker and I don't understand why. When I first got into the hospital, I was stronger than ever and I couldn't sit still. Now, I just want to lay down and sleep. 

A half hour later, we arrive at the hospital and they haul me pass hallways and rooms until we finally get into my new room. Nurses come in and begin hooking everything I need, once they're done, I get up and sit down on the chair across from my bed. I look up and notice that there's another person in the bed beside me. It's a boy that looks around my age, I get up and pick up his clipboard. He doesn't have a name, he's a John Doe. He's 19 years old too and he's also in a coma, he got into a car accident and no family members have come to see him yet. 

I wonder if he's trapped too... 

Deciding to go look for this John Doe boy, I exit the room and look around the halls. This hospital is different from the last one, this one is bigger and has more floors. Finally, I spot a boy roaming around the halls on the main level. 

"Hey!" I yell down at him, causing him to look up. "Up here! Are you stuck too!?" I wave an arm, gaining his attention. He nods before rushing up the levels and jogging towards me. He's the boy from my room, he's much taller than I expected. "I'm Rylie, your new roommate." I tell him, sticking out my hand for him to shake. 

"I'm Shawn, do you know where we are? I've been stuck here for nearly two weeks." He asks, looking around and the white hospital. 

I look up with him and shrug. "I don't know, maybe we're somewhere in between."

"In between what?" 

I look at him, "Life and death." 

"Are you in a coma too?" 

I nod and walk around with him, "I've been in one for nearly five weeks." I inform him 

"How'd you get in it?" 

"Some drunk driver slammed into my car, I was in the car with my friend. He ran into my side and I must've hit my head or something. How about you?" I explain before looking up from the ground. 

"I was driving too, my girlfriend was in the car with me. It was icy out and I guess I went over an icy patch and went through a stop sign. A moving truck was coming and couldn't slow down, it rammed into us from my side and it flipped over my car. My girlfriend was crushed from the weight of the car and died instantly, I on the other hand, got all the impact and got some brain damage. The doctors had to remove glass that was lodged in my skull." He tells me, I nod. 

I walk over to a ledge and toss my legs over. "This is so weird, there were other coma patients at my other hospital but I never got to meet them like I am with you." I admit, he nods and sits next to me. 

"It's nice though, to have someone to talk to. I haven't had any visitors to listen to besides the nurses and doctors talking about me and what they're going to do to contact any family members." 

"I've been stuck in a hospital for nearly five weeks without anyone to talk to, my boyfriend used to come around every day and then his brother would read me chapters from my favorite book." I smile at the memory before looking up at Shawn but get distracted by a shining light just above the top floor. 

Shawn furrows his brows and looks up at where I'm looking. "What?" 

"Do you see it?" I ask, fascinated by the bright light.

"See what?" 

"The bright light, up there. Can't you see it?" I ask him, pointing up at the light that seemed to shine even brighter than before. He looks around for a bit before shaking his head, then looking at me. 

"I don't see it." 

"I wonder what it is, I've never seen it before now." I tell him, tearing my eyes from the light and looking at him. 

"Maybe you don't want to find out." He tells me before we both get up and enter our shared room. 

"Now that I know your name, I'm sure we can fix this." I point to his clipboard before finding a pencil and writing Shawn. "What's your last name?" I ask. 


I scribble his last name before flashing him a grin. 

I finally have a friend. 

A/N - HOLY SHIT I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER! I would like to formally apologize for not updating in like nearly two weeks, probably even longer. I've had a bad case of writers block, so sorry if this sucks some serious ass. I promise to be writing more and updating more often. I love you to the moon and back! 

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