Day 63

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Rylie -

Two more weeks have gone by and I'm tired as ever, I just want to curl up in my bed and sleep. Is that so much to ask for? I've heard didalishit from Luke, the nurses haven't mentioned him, I haven't had any family members visit, no friends, nothing. 

Shawn's been getting tired too, quicker than I imagined. I don't think that's a good sign.. He hasn't had anyone either, we've completely dropped the idea of us meeting at a certain time, we're together 24/7 now. 

"I wish there was music here, I miss listening to music." Shawn sighs, I nod and agree.

"This place is awful, there's nothing for us to do except talk and wait for nothing." 

"I'm sure Luke is just busy with his tour, he'll come around eventually. I hope someone does for me, they probably all think I'm dead." 

"All my friends have given up on me, even Luke. You don't lose hope in the ones you love, that's what my brother used to always say." I tell him, he nods. 

“Well, I guess all of my loved ones don’t really love me than.” 

“The world is a corrupt place, I can’t wait to get out of it.” I reply, he nods but as he’s about to reply, he stops and looks up. “Shawn, you okay?” 

“I see it.” 

“See what?” 

“The light, I can see it just like you!” He smiles and points at it, for the past two weeks that light has been tempting me. Like whispering in my ear to come closer. 

“It’s so beautiful, I want to figure out what it is but I’m afraid I already know what it is.” I admit, he peels his eyes away. 

“Let’s find out, together! Now that I see it, we can go and follow the light.” 

“Woah, no Shawn! You said that you never wanted to figure out what that light was, you didn’t want me to go into it.” I raise my hands up, wanting him to reconsider.

“Well now that I see it, I don’t see why we can’t just go. What have we got to lose?”

“We’ve got families that love us, friends that care about us. We can’t just leave them like that!” I argue

“If our friends and families cared or loved us, why aren’t they here? Why aren’t they holding our hands and telling us it’s going to be okay? That’s because they gave up! They stopped believing! They lost hope in us! Why can’t you see that they’re not coming back?” He shouts at me, I flinch and feel tears rolling down my cheeks. 

“What’s wrong with you, Shawn? What happened to the boy that was optimistic that someone was going to come in and save us? You left as soon as you saw the light, what you’re talking about is insane. Our friends and family would never leave us behind, yours just haven’t found a way back to you yet. I’m positive that that light is nothing but trouble, I’ve been out here late at night while you’re in your room and that light taunts me. It whispers words into my ear, it tries to make me believe that I’m really all alone in this, that it can make it all better.” 

“What if it doesn’t? What if no one comes for us? What if we’re left all alone?” 

“How about in a month, if no one shows up and the light is still there, we go into it together.” I suggest, he nods and sits down next to me. 

“I’m sorry for snapping at you early, I don’t know what came over me.” He says, I give him a slight smile before pulling him in for a hug. 

“It’s okay, let’s go into our room.” I say softly, he nods and gets up with me. I sit down next to my body and he does with his, we don’t talk but just look at ourselves. I look awful, I’m so pale I could be a vampire. My blonde hair is thinning and my lips are cracked. If you saw me before and after the crash, you’d never be able to know who the girl is laying in this bed. 

I look over at Shawn, who’s holding his hand. I wouldn’t be able to recognize the boy laying in his bed either. He’s thinning, his cheekbones are hollow. His dark hair is turning lighter, like he’s growing older. He’s pale and his usually pink lips are turning blue. 

“Rylie, will you lay with me tonight?” Shawn finally speaks, startling me.

“Of course, come here." I smile at him, he gives me a quiet smile and moves over to the large couch with me. "I haven't laid with anyone in forever, I miss being touched." I admit

"It feels good, I haven't held anyone since before the accident." He says, tickling my ear as we hold each other.

"Everything is going to be okay. As soon as we both wake up, I'm going to find you someone." I tell him

"But what if I don't want anyone?" 

"We'll figure it out when we wake up, I pinky promise." I raise my finger up and look into his soft eyes, he smiles and hooks his pinky with mine before we both give it a shake. 

I close my eyes and dream but before I know it, I doze off to sleep.

A/N - OMG HEY GUYS! I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED SINCE FOREVER AGO. I've been extremely busy with school and sports and everything, but I promise that I'll be back writing soon. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update soon. I love you to the moon and back! 


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