Day 98

19 1 0

Jai - 

This sucks ass. We haven't heard anything from Luke or Saorise about Rylie, management is forcing us to go on with our tour but how can we? Taylor is just as pissed as I am, she thinks it's a bunch of shit that we can't leave. We don't know what state she's in, the last I heard from Luke was that no one at the hospital had a clue what was wrong with her. 

I feel so bad for the fans, they're coming out all this way and paid so much money to see us, our hearts aren't in it anymore and Luke's not even here. Almost all of the girls love Luke the most, he's their favorite out of us. I want us to go on another tour to all of the places we've been after this whole situation is finished. The tour can be cheap, like less than 25$ for all of the fans that had a terrible experience. 

We're sitting around and just waiting for whatever comes next, all of our conversations have surrounded her. We haven't had one that doesn't turn to her, whether it be a memory that we remember or things that remind us of her. I hate it. I can't even begin to imagine how Luke must be feeling. We all want her to wake up more than anything, that's all we ask for. Nothing more, nothing less. She could wake up with her memory wiped and I'd be fine with it. If she woke up and became the smartest woman in the world, then so be it. Rylie makes everything right. She is the glue to nearly all of us, she makes everything better when it's wrong. She's here for each of us, she always has time to listen to our problems or help us out in anyway. She's one of the best people in the entire world. She's that rare person who cares deeply about her surroundings that people always tell you to never let go of and I have the privilege to know and be friends with her. I'm not letting her go that easily. 

"What are we going to do? Sit around here all day? Is that what they want us to do? Nothing?" Taylor paces the room, crossing her arms and groaning in frustration. 

"Calm down, Luke said he'd call whenever he got the chance. Maybe he's just busy with Saorise." I assure her, patting the seat next to me but she ignores it and continues walking around the room. 

"This is a bunch of bull, how can you tolerate them telling you what to do? If I were you, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat. No questions asked." 

"Taylor, we can't just cancel the rest of the tour because we want to see Rylie. The fans paid to see us, we can't let them down like that." 

"I think you're forgetting that you already are, all of you are down and depressed. Luke isn't even here, the girls love him." 

"We're not all down in depressed, I mean, look at James. He seems happy with Alexia. I'm happy because you're here. Daniel is always happy, he's been keeping busy by going to the gym." 

"Don't you get it! It's all an act! It's always been an act. No one is happy anymore, they're just pretending so no one gets concerned about them. I would know, I do it all the time. James may seem happy, but Alexia told me that he has nightmares about Rylie not waking up. I know you aren't happy because I've seen you read through the messages between you two like it's the last time you're going to talk to her. Skip goes to the gym because it gives him time to take out his anger and forget about all the pain. He's one of the most effected by this, she was his best friend. He's pushing everyone away because he never talked to anyone besides her. Now that she's gone, he doesn't know who to go to. We're all broken, you never know what you had until it's gone." She rants, stopping and glaring at me. 

I look down at my hands, nodding because everything she's saying is true. She sighs and runs a hand through her hair before sitting down beside me, not close enough for me to touch her. "I'm sorry, I feel like none of you are trying to do anything about this. You've all given up on her, you don't bother to talk to management about the whole thing." 

I pull her in for a hug the moment I see the tears starting to well up. I press a kiss to her forehead. "Babe, she's going to wake up. She has to. When she does, everything is going to be just like it was before." 


"I promise." 

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