Day 49

62 2 1

Rylie - 

Another week, once again nothing. Shawn hasn't gotten anyone either, he just went into surgery last night. He said something about them finding something in his lungs that needed to be removed, so he actually felt pretty tired.

"You were right, not being able to sleep sucks." He tells me as we sit down next to each other on our ledge. 

This has become a thing, the ledge is where we meet every day. We stop talking around midnight to go back to our rooms, then if we're bored or we have something on our minds, we meet at 3 in the morning. We stay in our rooms until 1:30 in case someone decides to show up and if no one shows up before two, we meet each other on the ledge. 

"It's the worst at night, it feels like my thoughts are slowly driving me insane. It's terrifying." He continues, I nod and look down at the ground. 

"Do you ever wonder what would happen if you jumped?" I randomly ask, hardly paying attention to what I was saying. 

"What do you mean jumped?" 

"I mean, do you ever wonder what would happen if you jumped off this ledge. What would happen, would you wake up or do you just die?" I explain, still looking down at the ground. 

"I thought about it before you got here, but I think something terrible would happen if we did jump." He answers

"I'm going to miss this." I finally look up, he gives me a quizzical look. "I'm going to miss being able to talk to you whenever I have something on my mind, I'm going to miss you." 

"Who do you think is going to wake up first?" 

"I don't know. But I want to be friends with you when we both wake up, so promise that we'll be with each other until we're both awake. Okay?" I ask, raising my pinky. 

He laughs and nods before linking his pinky with mine. "I pinky promise that we'll be together the entire time." 

"Where are you from? I don't remember asking." 

"I am from Minnesota, my girlfriend and I were visiting my parents over her winter break when the accident happened. I was in a local hospital for a week before the doctors decided that this one is better suited for me, so they sent me over here." 

"What was your girlfriend's name? You mentioned Natalie a few times but I don't know who that is either." I ask another question.

"My girlfriend's name is Natalie, I just meant that I plan on finding her grave and talking to her until I don't have enough saliva to allow me to keep talking." He informs me, I let out a laugh and nod. "What are you going to do when you wake up?" 

"Without a doubt, I am going to get a cheeseburger with fries and a vanilla shake." I say on instant, without a second thought about it. He lets out a laugh and nods. 

"We can go get food together as soon as we're both awake." He informs me, I give him a grin and nod. 

"Hell yeah! I just wonder if we can wake up together." I admit, laying down. 

Shawn sighs and falls beside me. "I can't wait to wake up, this place is a chemical smelling hellhole." 

"I wonder if this is what eternity feels like, no eating and no sleeping. If it is, I don't want to die then." 

"What do you think hell is like? I think hell is going to be a hot, miserable place." Shawn questions, I shake my head.

"I believe hell is a cold place where all the lost and broken dreams go, where all the troubled souls go." I answer

"Like I said before, you're a frickin' 80 year old wise monk man that understands everything." He says after a pause before bursting into laughter, which causes me to start laughing as well. 

"Y-you never said anything about me being a monk!" I hoot before continuing to giggle. In that moment, I felt alive. This boy was making me laugh for the first time in nearly two months, an actual happy feeling laugh. After we're both finally calm enough and our laughter dies down, I turn to him and place my hand on his. "Thank you." 

"For what?" He looks down at me, slightly red from our hands touching. 

"For being able to make me laugh uncontrollably for the past few weeks, I haven't done it since I got locked up here two months ago. I've hardly laughed since everything happened and you made it so easy for it to come out, so I'm thanking you." I answer with complete honesty

"Well I'd like to thank you as well for actually talking to me, I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you."

"It's so weird to be trapped here with someone else, this never happened at my old hospital."

He nods, "Well, maybe it's because we're both on the same brainwave or something." 

I nod and smile before we both grow silent. It wasn't an awkward silence that we needed to fill, it was a peaceful silence that we both didn't mind that we didn't have to talk. 

It was lovely

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