Day 9

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Alexia -

After everything that happened last night, we fell asleep together and he ended up asking me on a proper date while we were getting dressed.

"So, where shall we go on this date of yours?" I ask while slipping on my shorts, he shrugs and continues getting dressed.

"I was thinking that you could visit one of my friends in the hospital with me, you could meet all my other friends. Then we could go catch a movie or just hang out at my place, it's up to you." He suggests, I nod.

"Sounds like a plan. Whose in the hospital? Are they okay?" I begin to ask, he shrugs again and fixes his shirt.

"It's my friend's girlfriend, Rylie. She's in a coma, so I don't really know how she is but you can still meet everyone." He informs me, I nod again and finish changing before putting my hair into a sloppy ponytail.

"I better go, my friend is probably worried sick about me. Here's my number and I'll see you around." I smile at him and hand him the slip of paper before leaning up and kissing his cheek, then heading outside.

Jai -

"Hey guys, today I'm here with my bestest friend ever.. Jai Brooks!" Rylie giggles at the camera with a wide smile.

I give the camera a grin and wave. "Hey guys!"

"So, today we are going to do the best friend tag and see how much we know about each other." She informs our little audience.

"We both came up with ten questions that the other person has to answer and whoever loses gets one egg per question wrong." I tell them

"Yeah, that made no sense. Say I get five wrong, that means I'll get five eggs smashed on my head." She explains, I laugh and nod. "So, let's get to it!"

"One, what is my full name?" I ask, she rolls her eyes.

"Jaiden Domenic Matthew Brooks, give me a harder one." I laugh as she gets it right.

"Two, how many pillows do I have to sleep with?"

"You're always screaming about needing five fucking pillows whenever we have sleepovers." She says

"Three! When did I have my first kiss?" I cross my arms, knowing she won't be able to get it.

"You were 15, I know this. Just give me a harder one already!" She pouts, I roll my eyes and go down my list.

"Four, how much older am I than Luke?" I smirk

"Tryna trick me! You are two minutes YOUNGER than your brother, don't try to fool me because it won't work."

"Five, blondes or brunettes?"

"You seriously couldn't come up with any hard ones? Brunettes over blondes!" She chirps

I groan and go on, "Six, what is my favorite movie?"

"Step Brothers!"

"Favorite color?



"May 3rd, 1995"

"Favorite One Direction member?"


"One wish?"

"You wish to have a younger sister, which you happen to be stuck with me. So, that's as close as you're getting." She grins, I roll my eyes and stick out my tongue. "My turn! Uno, what is my favorite fruit?"

"Uh, shit! Pinapples?" I take a guess, she grins and shakes her head.

"Watermelon! How old was I when I dropped out of school?"

"You were a junior, seventeen?" I guess again, she nods and scrolls down her list.

"How many siblings do I have and what are they're names?"

"Three, Ryan, Emma and Jack."

We go on answering her questions, I end up with four wrong and her with zero. "Okay! So, Jai doesn't know me as well as I know him. He will now get four eggs smashed on his head!" She grins and raises up the egg carton, I groan and wait for her to crush them on me already. She sets up the towels and grins evilly at the camera before me. "You ready?"

"No!" I say and squeeze my eyes shut, she giggles and then I feel a crunch on my head with the egg falling down my face. She hoots and hollers before another one comes down onto my skull, then the final one. She giggles once again before focusing on the camera. 

"Anyway! That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did." She smiles before looking at me. "If you did, please go give this a big thumbs up down below and go check out the video we did on the Janoskians channel. Until next week, stay strong and stay beautiful!" She blows kisses at the camera before going up and shutting it off. 

A/N - Sorry it's so short! I've been really busy with school and such, I promise to update Friday or sometime next week. My writing schedule has been of with my play rehearsals and homework. I'll be up in a wifi free zone this weekend but I'll work on it while I'm not busy. 

Until next chapter,


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