Day 14

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Jai - 

"Jai, I don't believe you've met Taylor." Rylie introduces me to one of her YouTuber friends, I smile at the pretty girl before shaking her hand. 

"Nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you." She smiles at me, showing off her dimples. 

Taylor looked much older than Rylie, but Taylor was fucking hot. She had really long black hair, she was shorter than me and had chocolate brown eyes. Taylor was wearing a plaid flannel, high waisted shorts and some white Keds and this weird looking hat but she managed to pull it off. 

"So, where are we going for lunch?" Taylor asks, looking at Rylie. 

"There's this really cool coffee shop just down the street, it's not much but do you guys wanna check it out?" Rylie asks as Luke comes up from behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. Taylor awes before nodding. 

"Sounds like a plan." Taylor smiles before following the couple with me not too far behind her. 

"How's Rylie doing? I've been meaning to stop by, but I've been really busy with everything going on with the YouTube channel." She sighs and plays with my fingers, I smile and give her hand a squeeze. 

"It's okay, Luke told me that she squeezed his hand. He's sorta been obsessed about it since it happened." I tell her with a laugh, she smiles and looks up at me. 

"I miss her, she's been gone for two weeks but it feels like forever. I miss her cheesy jokes and our stupid videos." She frowns and wipes away a tear. 

"How about we go visit her instead of being here and telling each other how much we miss her? Maybe it would be less depressing." I suggest, wiping away one of her tears off of her cheek. She sniffs but nods, then following me out to my car. 

Once we arrive at the hospital, we head up to the room where Luke was still sitting at her bedside. Taylor covers her mouth and gasps before starting to cry. Luke turns around and flashes Taylor a sad smile before getting up and pulling her into a hug. She takes a deep breath before sitting down on the other side of her, then taking her hand. 

Taylor - 

"Hey! I'm here with the lovely Rylie Young." I grin and do jazz hands around my best friend. 

"Hey guys!" Rylie waves at the camera. 

"Today we will be playing truth or dare from the tweets sent in by you." I point at the camera. 

"We have a bowl of five truths and five dares, we're flipping a coin to see who goes first." Rylie raises the bowl up to show the viewers. I pick up the quarter and flip it, "Heads!" She yells as I put it onto my hand and let out a groan. Tails. 

I pick out a paper before reading it out. "From @Superman46 on Twitter, I dare you to prank call your current partner and tell them you're pregnant with their child." I look up from the slip and glare at the video camera. "I fucking hate you right now." 

I pull out my phone and dial Jai. "Jai is going to freak out, fuck." I mumble to myself as I put it on speaker. 

"Hey Taylor, what's up?" He answers, I can tell he's smiling. I look over at Rylie, who smirks and gives me a nod. 

"H-Hey Jai, can I tell you something? It's important."

"Anything babe, everything okay?"

"Uh, so remember that one night after we went out with Luke and Rylie and we sorta did some stuff?" I bite my lip and act nervous, trying hard not to laugh. 

"Yeah, you okay?" He starts sounding nervous, Rylie covers her mouth to prevent any sound from coming out. 

"Well, something must've happened when we're doing it and something must've broken. Now, I'm pregnant and I think it's y-your k-kid." I stutter, I hear him gasp on the other side of the line. 

"Are you serious? A-Are you messing around with me? Please tell me you're just messing around." He continues freaking out.

"A-are you going to leave me?" I ask

"No babe, of course not. I'll be with you every step of the way." He takes a deep breath, I let out a breath.

"Can I tell you one more thing?" I ask

"Anything, beautiful."

I grin at my best friend, "This was all a prank! Love you, Jai!" I shout into the phone, I hear him curse on the other side. 

"I fucking hate you so much right now, give me a heart attack why don't you." He groans, I let out a giggle  before smirking at Rylie. 

"You know you love me, say hello to Rylie and all of our YouTube subscribers." I smile, he groans again before clearing his throat. 

"Hi subscribers, I hate you all right now." We burst out laughing again, causing him to sigh (I could tell that he gave us an eye roll)

"We better go, we have more truth and dares to do. I'll call you later! Bye babe!" And with that, I hang up and we go back to our truth or dare game. I end up pranking two more people by phone, tell everyone about my first time and first kiss. While Rylie had to call Luke and ask him for advice because she was thinking about going back home, eat a spoonful of hot sauce, talk about her first boyfriend and what her first tour was like. 

One of the best videos we've ever made, if I must say so myself. 

"I can't believe how much we've been through together, we've been internet friends since you first started making videos and we've become so much closer since we went on tour together. I've been wanting to visit but there's been a lot going on with the next tour coming up and YouTube stuff." I itch the back of my neck before going on. 

"When you wake up, we can go out shopping and have a Teen Wolf marathon. I've become obsessed with Pretty Little Liars thanks to you. Whenever I'm on the road and I can't sleep, I always start right where I left off in Season two. Oh! Before I forget, I brought you a bracelet from London. I got to do a few shows around England for two weeks before I got homesick, it's not much but I thought you'd wear because of you-know-what." I tell her and fish the bracelet out of my bag before putting it on her self-harm wrist. 

It wasn't much of a bracelet, but I found it in a really cute shop. It had the Union Jack on it along with some red and blue beads, then an old fishing rope. It was loose around her wrist but it suited her well. I check the time and look over at the twins, who were in a deep looking conversation. I wipe my eyes and lean towards her ear. 

"If you can give me a sign that you're alive like Jai was telling me about, I'd love you even more than I do now." I whisper before sitting back up, waiting to see if she does anything. Suddenly, I see her eyes blink. I let out a light laugh before wiping another tear, then I lean forward and give her a hug around the neck. 

"Jai, can you please drop me off at my place? I have some work to do." I look up at my boyfriend, who cracks a smile and nods. 

"Of course, beautiful." He says and finishes up his conversation with Luke as I say my goodbyes to Rylie. 

"I'll be back, sweetie. I pinky promise." 

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