Day 1

477 11 2

Luke -

"Jai, look! It's Rylie Young, I can't believe she's here." I slap my twin brother's arm, he looks over to where my eyes were. 

"It's the Teen Choice Awards, of course she's gonna be here." He rolls his eyes, "go talk to her or something." He tells me and gives me a shove over towards her. I nervously wipe the sweat off my hands and walk closer to her.

"Uh, hi." I say quietly, she looks away from the cameras and flashes me one of her famous smiles. "You look really pretty tonight... N-not that you don't look pretty e-everyday." I stutter nervously, she blushes and looks down at the ground before up at me again.

"You don't look too bad yourself," She smiles before looking over her shoulder. "I better go, I'll see you ar the show." She says and touches my shoulder before heading over to some interviewer. I smile to myself and go back over to my friends.

"I miss you." I say between tears while holding her hand. "We all miss you, it's only been a day but it feels like a lifetime. I didn't get to see you last night like I hoped, you had to go right into surgery. You look pretty as always, even while you're in a coma." I talk to her and look around the room. "I remember how much you hated coming to hospitals, you even refused to go to the Emergency Room when you fell off you penny board and needed stitches." I tell her with a sad laugh. I brush a string of hair out of her face, knowing how much she hates it. "Jai and Beau are supposed to get here soon but I figure they're downstairs looking for a stuffed lion." I admit to her before wiping my eyes. "They're telling me that you might not even remember who I am if you wake up, I don't want to believe it. You love me too much to forget all about me." I smile slightly.

"When I heard you got into an accident, I came as fast as possible. I don't know if you remember anything but you kept screaming my name, they wouldn't let me though. I snuck into the truck right before you went unconscious and I'll never forget what you told me." I start crying even harder. "Y-you told me that you loved me and that as soon as you got out of the hospital, we'd have our movie night. And you said that you'd wake up and everything would be okay, you pinky promised me." I squeeze her hand, not wanting to ever let her go.

"As soon as you check out of here, we're gonna go back to my house and watch all your favorite cheesy movies you want." I tell her

"Hey, we're going out shopping. We'll be back in time for movie night." Rylie says with her best friend by her side, I look up from my phone and nod. 

"I'll be waiting." I smile at her

She leans down and gives me a kiss on the lips. "I'll bring you a pretzel and a new SnapBack."

"Thank you, babe. Love youu." I give her another kiss, which she smiles into until she grabs her bag.

"I love you too." She grins

"Back before 8:30?"

"I pinky promise." She tells me and hooks her pinky around mine before shaking it, then following Lana out the door.

As if exactly on cue, Lana walks into the hospital room looking like she hadn't slept in weeks. "How you holding up?" I ask her softly, not letting my eyes leave my girlfriend.

"How am I holding up? Hardly, she's my best friend and it's only been a few hours since the accident and I can't do anything but hope and pray that she's gonna wake up. It's terrifying to think that someone you've known your entire life is possibly already dead, and you have no clue how they're feeling because they can't talk." She speed talks, as she always does when she's about to lose it. She takes a few unsteady deep breaths, then beginning to sob.

"Last night, all she wanted to do was get home to you and she never got to it. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have been driving. It should've been me instead of her, she doesn't deserve any of this." She says before crying again and facing her long time best friend.

She takes her hand and hold it close before wiping her eyes. "Hey, I know you can hear us and I just wanted to tell you that I miss you and all your lame jokes. As bad as they were, you always managed to make them funny." She tells her with a half smile before going on. "We've been friends since kindergarten and you've always been at my side, no matter what. Whenever we fight, you're always the first to apologize because you don't like the thought of us being mad at each other over night. After Gage broke up with me, you were the only one that could pull me out of my bed and forced me to get on with my life. You've been there for me so many more times than I have for you and I can't thank you enough, I'm so sorry for never being there for you." She cries again, just as Beau and Jai walk in with balloons and presents.

"How's she doing?" Beau sets down the balloons in the corner of the room. Lana and I both shrug, not really caring what's going on behind us. Besides Lana and I, Jai was the closest with Rylie. Jai is her best friend and protector when I'm not around. Jai walks over and sits on the end of her bed, quietly as possible. He doesn't say anything, just looks down and lets the tears roll down his face.

"I brought you Remi." He finally speaks, pulling out her stuffed tiger he bought her at the zoo. He sets it down next to her before going quiet again. "What did the doctor say about her?" He turns his head towards me.

"She broke a few ribs, sprained her wrist and has minor head injuries." I inform him grimly, he goes back to watching her.

"She looks so much more peaceful now than she ever has before." He says more to himself than anyone else in the room.

Jai -

"C'mon Rylie! You've been reading all day, come in the pool with us!" I call over to my friend lounging in her chair, she lowers her glasses and shakes her head.

"Not true! I've been tanning all morning." She points out, I roll my eyes.

"You leave me no choice!" I smirk, I see her give me an eye roll before going back to her book. I get out of the pool and walk over to her, she closes her book and sets it down before crossing her arms and looking up at me.

I quickly pick her up and toss her over my shoulder before carrying her over to the pool. She screams and hits my back, begging me to put her down. "Jai! Put me down, I don't wanna get wet." She cries

I sigh dramatically, "Oh, I suppose I should be a nice friend and set you down." As she's about to thank me, I toss her into the pool. She yelps in surprise before going under the surface, she flips me off as soon as she's back up.

"I hate you!" She shrieks at me, I laugh while she swims closer towards me.

"You know you love me!" I sing to her

She grins "I know you care!"

"Just shout whenever, and I'll be there!" We sing together before going into a fit of giggles.

As I approach her, she continues singing Justin Bieber before wringing out her hair. Suddenly, she grabs my ankle and pulls me into the pool. When I come back up, she's laughing like a complete maniac. I swim over towards her and yank her in before dunking her in. She splashes me, causing me to splash her back. She starts swimming the other way and bumps right into Luke.

I splash her again, causing her to shriek before hiding behind her boyfriend. I pout "No fair! I don't have any protection." I hear her laugh before getting onto his back and point forward.

"Onward my loving boyfriend." She giggles, he laughs before waddling towards me. She jumps off of him and tackles me, we both go under and laugh as soon as we get back up. She lets go of me and swims over to the edge before hopping out. Luke gets out and wraps a towel around her shoulders before sitting down next to her. "I love you." He tells her, she looks up at him and smiles before kissing him.

"I love you too, forever and always."

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