Day 3

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Rylie -
"No! I promised her! I promised her I'd stay!" A male's voice screams from nowhere in particular. I blink my eyes and look at my surroundings. I was in a completely white and empty hospital, everything lacked color. There's nothing for me to do, I continue looking around until I hear more screaming as an echo. "No! Don't do this! She needs me!" The voice sounds familar but I can't remember where I've heard it before. I wait for more echos so I wouldn't be as lonely, but it grows silent and I grow impatient.
I sigh to myself and look down at my outfit. I was in a gray 'I'd Rather Be Sleeping' sweater, a pair of blue skinny jeans and some mint green Vans. My hair was curled perfectly, as if someone had just done it.

I don't remember much but I can recall blood and a boy's face. I know before I left that I was talking to him, not sure what I said but I talked to him. I can only remember bits and pieces of why I'm here, I know that I was in a car accident and that I was in the passengers seat. I was listening to a song with a close friend, not sure what they looked like but we were just driving and then it hit. I can remember being in the back of the ambulence and a boy sitting next to me, maybe he was my boyfriend?

Whoever he was, he was hot. Curly black hair with the front part dyed blonde, a black lip ring and gorgeous brown eyes. He was crying and talking to me, saying jumbled up words that I don't remember.
I continue looking around the hospital and sit down on a ledge. How long am I supposed to be here for? I won't be able to stand being alone here for more than a few hours, I'd get too bored. I sit around and wait for awhile, seeing if I can hear anything else but I get nothing. I decide to get up and walk around, there were empty rooms except for one. I enter it and see people surrounding a girl on a bed, as I look closer, I realize that the girl is me. The boy I saw from the memory was at my bedside, saying stuff that I can hear clear as day.

"I remember our first date, we went to a carnival." He says to my body with a light laugh. "We went on every single ride until you were about to pass out, we ate cotton candy and shared an elephant ear before playing some carnival games. I was so determined to win you a huge panda, that I spent more than twenty dollars on you. When in the end, you were the one to win me a prize before I could get you one. I smile everytime I go over to your house because you have the panda on your bed and the pictures we took in the photo booth hanging up behind your bed." He smiles and takes my hand before gently rubbing it with his thumb. "That's where we had our first kiss, in the photobooth. You surprised me and kissed me, that was one of the best days of my life. Next to you saying yes to be my girlfriend." He tells me with a cheeky smile.

So he is my boyfriend, but I don't even his name. Another boy walks right past me and sits down across from my boyfriend, he's a twin? "Luke, visiting hours are almost over. We have to get going." Luke... I like that name.

Luke looks up at him before me again with a nod. "I'll be back tomorrow, princess. I pinky promise." He says into my ear, which sounds like a yell from in here. He links my limp pinky with his and shakes it before planting a kiss on my forehead. He wipes the tears from his cheeks, then getting up and following his brother out of the room.

I sit down in the seat next to my body and let out a sigh. She was gray and faded, as if this was all a dream and so were the two boys. Everything was white and I was the only thing with color.

"We need to wake up, I don't know how but we need to wake up. Luke misses us, I don't remember him at all." I tell myself, then looking around again. "I'm only talking to you because it's really lonely and quiet here, I just know that I'm in a hospital asleep. I must've hit my head pretty hard to be here right now." I say with a light laugh while wiping some tears I didn't know I had.
"I'll find a way for us to wake up and continue on our lives. I pinky promise." I tell myself then try to latch my pinky around my own but it goes right through me. I sigh before bursting out in tears, not wanting to be here any longer.

The next morning -

Being in a coma means that I don't get any sleep, so I waited for hours for Luke to come back. He entered the room with balloons and a few stuffed animals. He was alone this time, I smiled to myself as he sits down and takes my hand after setting down my gifts.

"Hey princess, you look beautiful as always." He greets me with a smile, before kissing my forehead. "I really miss you, you and all of your corny jokes. Which reminds me.." He says and pulls out a sticky note. "Why did the turtle cross the road?" He asks before pausing, as if he expected me to answer. "To get to the shell station. Ha, get it?" He says with a giggle, causing me to start laughing. He goes serious and looks down at our hands. "You always asked me why I fell in love with you but I always answered with you're perfect because I was too scared to admit everything." He tells me before taking a shakey deep breath.

"I fell in love with you the day I first started watching your videos. And ever since the day I finally met you, I fell more in love with you everyday we saw each other. You do all of these small things that you hate but I find them absouletly adorable. Like the way you'd tell me cheesy, stupid jokes whenever the hate was getting to me, how you'd burst into song if we said something with a lyric that you knew, the way you'd laugh and your nose would get crinkled up." He says before going on. "I love you and all of your little things." His voice cracks.

I wipe a tear away and say softly "I love you too."

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