Day 15

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James - 

Alexia and I decided to stop by the hospital to visit Rylie, Luke wouldn't stop talking about how she squeezed his hand. As we're walking in, Jai and Taylor passed by which causes us to stop. 

"Hey Jai, hey Taylor. How's everything going?" I ask, Taylor tangles her fingers together with Jai's as he shrugs. 

"Rylie is doing good, Taylor gave her a bracelet from London." Jai nudges his girlfriends shoulder, Taylor lets out a small laugh. 

"Yeah, we better go. I have some things to do around the house, but it was nice seeing you again." Taylor says quietly before pulling Jai away from us. 

"Are they dating or something?" Alexia speaks up for the first time since we entered the hospital. 

"It's a complicated relationship but they seem to be together again." I shrug, taking her hand. She nods and follows me into Rylie's room, where Luke was talking about something to her. 

"I have a bunch of Disney movies we can watch, which one should be first?" Alexia asks and sets down a stack of movies, I shrug and look at the pile before pulling out The Jungle Book and then handing it to her. She flashes me a grin before popping it and handing me the bowl of popcorn before sliding underneath the blankets next to me. She cuddles to my side and hits play. As we're watching, I start to get bored but notice that she's mouthing the words as the music comes on. I let out a light laugh before throwing a piece of popcorn at her, she giggles and looks up from the screen. 

"Do you mind? You happened to pick one of my favorite movies and I don't appreciate you annoying me while it's on." 

"You look cute when you're mad." I giggle, she looks up and widens her eyes.

"Did you just giggle?" She questions, I laugh again.


"Hey Luke, how is she?" I ask, snapping him out of his silent thoughts. 

"Better, not talking or anything but she's better." He shrugs, I nod and sit down on the other side of her. Alexia sighs and takes a seat next to me, I give her a questioning look before going back to chatting with Luke. 

After awhile, I notice that Alexia doesn't seem very happy. "Alexia, may I speak to you out in the hall?" I ask, she nods and follows me out. As soon as we're out of Luke's earshot, I spin around and begin pestering her. "What is your deal? Why are you in such a bad mood?" 

She sighs and crosses her arms, "I'm just tired of you always coming over here, last night all you could talk about is Luke and Rylie because she squeezed his hand. Isn't he over it yet? He doesn't have to keep texting or calling you every single time something 'big' happens to her." 

I run my hand through my hair and pace before turning back towards her. "Are you being serious right now? Y-you're joking right? You're seriously wondering why he isn't over losing her? I thought you were way better than this, that girl in there has been with him for nearly two years and they have done everything together. Imagine your sister or someone you love goes through the same thing, and you're asking me why he's not over the accident? It's been two weeks, he still has to adapt to living without her and I can't get over that you believe that he should be fine and acting like nothing is wrong. Excuse me for being there for my best friend while he goes through a tough time, I don't mind it when he calls or texts because something big happens to her, that means she's closer to waking up!" I let out all of my anger towards her. 

She gets a hurt look across her face, but I feel no sympathy. "Geez James, I just told you what was on my mind. No need to get so defensive over them." She rolls her eyes with a tone, I take a deep breath and try to calm down. 

"Go" I say without looking up at her, she gasps and doesn't budge. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I said go, I don't want to see you anymore. Clearly I was wrong when I thought you were a good person and we clicked, so just go." 

"You sorta drove me here, I don't have a ride home. Genius." She tells me sarcastically

"Then call a fucking cab, I don't care. Just get out." And with that, I enter Rylie's room and sit down next to Luke.

"Sorry about Alexia, she seemed like a bit fake to me." He admits softly, I let out a light laugh. 

"Guess I was too blind to see it, but now I can focus on what's important here. You and your girlfriend." 

A/N - oh snap! what's going to happen with James and Alexia's relatioship? I WOULD LIKE TO APOLOGIZE FOR NOT UPDATING BUT I'VE HAD WRITERS BLOCK AND I'VE JUST BEEN TOO LAZY TO ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING PRODUCTIVE WITH MY LIFE SO I'M SORRY. I love you and I'll try to update more. 

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