Day 92

19 1 0

Luke - 

Last night was an amazing show, all the fans were supportive and they all gave their love to me and Rylie. If only she were here to share the experience. She always loved touring, meeting the fans and traveling to new places. I swear, that girl has the memory of an elephant. She remembers all of her fans and all of their names, I don't think she's ever forgotten a fan before. That's why I love her. She cares more about those fans than she does about herself sometimes. 

I remember this one time, she was on a TwitCam with her fans and answering all of their questions at like 2:30 in the morning. She was on the verge of passing out because she was so tired from the show and her jet lag, but she still wanted to let all of the fans know how she was. I practically had to drag her away from the laptop before she got me to join her. There we were at 2:30 in the morning, wrapped in blankets with her in my lap while holding onto a stuffed animal I won her at a carnival. She still answered the numerous questions and comments while we sat there in the silence of her hotel room. Dedicated until she passed out and I answered a few more before signing off for her. 


I had bought Rylie another stuffed lion from the zoo and a notebook from the art museum. I may or may not have fallen asleep with the lion last night because I was exhausted. 

"Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Jai grins as I make my way into the kitchen area of the hotel room. I groan and throw my shirt at him.

"Shut up, why are you up so early?" I scratch my neck, he shrugs and finishes his bowl of cereal. 

"My phone was blowing up, James and Alexia would not leave me alone. You know, I'm really starting to hate them as a couple.." He mutters and sits himself down in front of the couch.

"That makes two of us. I feel like they could give me diabetes because they're so sweet on each other." I roll my eyes, he groans and slaps my arm. 

"Do not make me picture that in my head, please. I beg you not to." 

"Still no word from Taylor?" I change the subject, he sighs and lets his head fall into his hands. 

"You have got to stop bringing her up, she clearly doesn't want anything to do with me. If she did, she would have called by now." Just as I'm about to reply, there's a soft knock on the door. We look at each other but I get up after he gives me a look that he doesn't want to answer it. It could be one of the couples coming to disrupt our anti-couple room. 

I slip my shirt on before opening the door and losing my breath for a moment. 


The girl standing in front of me looked just as surprised as me. She pushed her blonde and brunette hair behind her ear. Since I hadn't seen her in so long, she looked like a stranger to me. Tanner, taller and more confident. 

"Hey, is Jai here?" She asks in a soft voice

"Uh, yeah.. Come on in.." I trail off and let her inside before she follows me towards the living room of the hotel. "Jai, look who it is.." I say and move aside so that he can see his Taylor. He looks up and I swear, his entire face lights up with happiness as he jumps off the couch and pulls her into a tight bear hug. 

"Don't ever fucking do that to me again. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry baby, I love you, I'm sorry." He closes his eyes and mumbles soft nothings into her ear. 

Deciding that I don't want to intrude, I go towards my bedroom and sit down on the bed just as my phone rings. 



"What do you mean, I can go visit her? After all of this time, now you're letting me go see her? For only two days? I haven't seen her in weeks and you think you can make it up for allowing me to see my girlfriend for two fucking days? You're insane." I shake my head and run my hand through my hair as my manager finally says those words I've been dying to hear ever since I left. 

"You know what? Fine. But I swear to God, if anything happens while I'm there or you call me because you need me, I'm not leaving her until I feel like I can. I don't care anymore.. Okay, bye." I hang up and fall onto my bed. I leave for San Francisco on Thursday morning. I'm there for a day and a half before I have to come back and finish up this leg of the tour. 

I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath and picture myself boarding a plane to see her. 

Even though I don't actually leave for nearly two days, I unload my backpack and toss a few sets of clothes in it before packing all of her many gifts from my travels. I want to be ready for anything and I just want to go see her. After I finish, I'll book the next flight I can to San Fran. I have a show tonight but after tonight, we'd be on the tour bus without an actual destination. It'll the perfect time for me to get away and spend more time with her than originally planned. 

Don't worry baby, I'm coming for you. 

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