Day 73

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Luke -

"I don't understand, why can't I go and see her?" I groan in frustration as I talk to my manager.

"Because Luke! Even though you don't have any shows next week does not mean you're on a break, we have work to do with music and the tour. You don't have time to see Rylie, I'm sorry but this is the end of the discussion. You're not seeing her for another few weeks." He says in a stern tone, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, totally not a break even though Daniel got to go see his family last night. I totally understand." I try to calm down.

"Luke, it was a family emergency. If something came up with Rylie and she had something going on with her, I'd let you go see her but she's in the perfectly capable hands of a fantastic hospital. There's nothing else you can do."

"Yes there is something I can do, there's always something I can do. You're forcing me to suffer and that effects the fans, they all know I'm not doing alright. God, every fucking person that knows about her and where I am knows that I'm not fucking okay but you obviously don't seem to understand that all I want to do is see her and make sure she's okay. How would you feel if your wife or one of your kids was in the same position as Rylie but you couldn't go see them because your ass of a boss wouldn't allow you to do it? Put yourself in my shoes, try to understand how it would feel that the only girl I have ever loved could be laying on her death bed and I'm 7,000 miles away from her and I can't do a damn thing because I'm stuck in this shithole of a place!" I try to make him see how much pain he's causing me. He takes a deep breath before looking at his assistant.

"Trevor, please take Luke to his dressing room. I believe he needs sometime to calm down."

Trevor nods before grabbing my shoulders, which I shove him off me. "Don't fucking touch me!"

Once I'm in the dressing room, I scream out in frustration before kicking a few things over and tearing up the room. After a few minutes, I realize that I'm crying tears of anger. I fall onto the ground and just start sobbing, until my phone rings. Saorise.

"Hello? Saorise? Is Rylie okay?" I begin questioning her.

"Rylie is safe and she's perfectly fine. I just wanted to call to check up on you, how are you holding up?" She says with a light laugh before I hear her voice go serious.

"Fucking asshole of a manager isn't letting me take a few days off this or next week to see her, I don't know how much longer I can stand this. Yes, I'm doing what I love but that means I'm away from the girl I love the most." I sigh

"If it makes you feel any better, she's not entirely alone here. She's sharing a room with a boy, Shawn. Maybe they're somewhere talking over coffee." She says, which manages to make me crack a smile.

"How is she?"

"She's doing okay, the doctors say she could be waking up any day now. She hasn't had anything wrong with her since the fluid in her lungs. I'm sure she's dying to get out of this hellhole of a hospital."

"Has she done anything? Like has she squeezed your hand or anything like that?"

"No, but I've been here since I landed. Shawn's brother is here too, he's not so good with his brother either."

"What happened to Shawn?"

"He got into a car crash like Rylie but it was during the winter. Shawn was with his girlfriend, apparently she didn't make it. He's in the same position as her, stuck in a coma. His brother didn't show up until I did, Shawn's been all alone for nearly two months. Rylie is lucky to have you, I'm sure she's waiting for you to come so she can wake up." She explains, I wipe my eyes and nod.

"Thank you for calling, I really needed to hear about her." I admit

"Luke, I'm not trying to upset you but maybe it's for the best that you're on tour right now." She tells me

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, maybe touring and meeting all of your fans is a good way for you to get your mind off of worrying about Rylie. Beau has been texting me about you, he was really worried the first week that you were touring without me. Saying that all you did was talk about Rylie and wait for me to give you updates. But when you got to meet some of the fans, you seemed happy again. You seemed like you, you haven't been yourself ever since the accident and I understand that but maybe having you away from her is best right now." She says in a soothing voice.

"How can you say that? I thought you were on my side about this! I thought you understood what I was going through." Anger bubbling up inside of me.

"Luke, calm down. I'm not on anyone's side, I understand what you're going through but you were so clingy and worried about her when you were by her and when you weren't. I'm not saying don't worry about her, I'm just suggesting that maybe you should focus on pleasing your fans and spending time with the boys. All of them have agreed that you're pushing them away when they're just trying to help."

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. How could I possibly try to be happy when she was the only thing keeping me happy? Now that she's gone, I don't know how to be happy or how to stay happy. You don't understand what I'm going through right now." I snap at her

I hear her sigh on the other side of the line. "Clearly.. I'm heading over to the hospital right now, I'll call you if anything comes up. Talk to you later." She sounds defeated but hangs up before I can say anything else.

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