Day 5

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Rylie -

I watched everything unravel in front of me, Luke staring at me and sobbing, Jai telling me about our handshakes, Beau thinking about proposing to Lana. It's so weird not being able to speak to them, I've tried but they don't hear a thing.

I wish there were more people here like me, so I wouldn't be as lonely. I've been thinking, if they're all friends of mine then where's my family? No one else as been here besides Beau, Jai, Luke and Lana, oh and that one boy who brought me my backpack. I either don't have any family or they just don't care about me.

I'm starting to get bits and pieces of my memory back, but only from the stories the others told me. When Luke told me about him teaching me how to pennyboard, I remembered him holding onto me before letting me go. I have a bit of introducing Lana and Beau, but it's fuzzy like someone put a block in front of my memories.

I'm so curious about my family but I can't ask anyone, I can only hope and wait to see if they decide to show up. I wonder if I have siblings, or if I just have a mom or dad. I haven't stopped thinking about it since it crossed my mind.

"Do you remember our first Christmas together?" Luke breaks me from my train of thought. I look up and shake my head just as he goes on. "We made a Christmas skit on YouTube, I was Santa and you were an elf. After the skit, we opened presents. You bought me three One Direction tickets and I bought you a diamond encrusted L necklace, you never took it off after that. See, you're wearing it right now." He moves my hair and smiles once he sees it hung around my neck.

My hand goes up to my neck and sure enough, it was around my neck. I burst into a smile and look back at Luke, who was talking about a New Year's Eve. "We went to New York and spent the day together before finding an apartment fire escape, we had the perfect view of ball drop. We each had another present for each other, you bought me a brand new camera. It must've costed you hundreds, I only got you a silly old lion onesie." He laughs and puts his head in my hand. I let out a giggle before closing my eyes. "You always had an obession with lions and penguins, I never understood why but you did."

"Then when the ball dropped, we kissed and it felt magical." He pauses before looking up at me and goes on again. "As cheesy and girly it sounded, it's all true." Just then, a little boy runs into the room followed by an older looking girl. Luke turns around and wrinkles his brows before getting up. "Emma?"

Luke -

Is Rylie's sister seriously here? After five days, this is when she decides to finally show up? "I would've come sooner but the past few days have been really stressful." She sighs and sits down next to me. "Mum didn't want to come, told me to fly out with Jack. He's been talking about her and why she's not home ever since it was on the news." She says with her eyes on their younger brother, who was crawling up onto the bed and lays down next to his older sisters limp body. "How is she?"

"How is she? She's been the exact same for five days, probably wondering where her damn family is if she even has one." I snap at her, she rolls her eyes and looks up at me with her hazel eyes.

"You know, I've always had a bit of thing for you." She says and leans close, so close that I can smell her minty breath.

"Really? Because you're like a sister to me." I squeak out as she edges closer to me, I look around and back up.

"Now that Rylie's in the way, you can be all mine." She smirks before grabbing my face and sticking her tongue down my throat. I don't kiss her back, I try my best to push her off but she's holding me down. When she pulls away, she's still smirking and wipes her smudged lipstick away. And then, everything comes crashing down.

Rylie -

Terror, betrayal and saddness. As I watched my sister shove her tongue down my boyfriend's throat, my heart beating against my chest. I feel tears come down my cheeks and my head starts to feel dizzy. I hardly notice the two screaming for the nurses while my monitors go blaring of, each lighting up like a Christmas tree. My brother Jack is balling his eyes out as Luke carries him away from my body. A group of four or five nurses rush in and begin checking me out.

"She's got fluids in her lungs!" One of them says as they check out something on a screen.

"Send her to room 204, get started on removing the liquids!" The head nurses shoos them off, they take me away and disappear out of the room. She turns to my siblings and Luke before sighing. "Don't panic, it's probably just some water." She notices Luke's nervous behavior. "She'll be okay, we're just going to remove the fluids and do a few tests. You can visit her tomorrow, go home and get some rest." The nurse looks at the two of them.

They nod and walk out of the door, leaving me worried about myself and what happened.

A/N - I am sticking to Monday and Fridays as my update days! If you didn't see before, I have a cast up in the first chapter. But here is the list if you can't see them.

Emma Watson - Rylie

Emma Roberts - Emma

Anna Popplewell - Lana

Janoskians as themselves.

I don't think I'll have anybody else in here, I don't know who should play Jack but I was thinking a really young version of Nathan Gamble because he's adorable. So, hope you enjoyed this somewhat long chapter!

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