Day 24

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Saorise - 

I can't believe Luke was basically interrogating me yesterday on the way to the hospital and Beau didn't do anything. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to keep my relationship a secret. I don't want anybody sticking their noses in my personal business that they don't need to know about. Besides, it's more fun to be able to go someplace and sneak around without anybody else knowing. 

We spent sometime with Rylie yesterday, Luke hardly looked at her but looked around the room and talked as if Rylie was elsewhere in the room. I'm currently trying to read but Beau has other plans, all he wants to do is cuddle. 

"Saoriseeee, cuddle with me. I'm cold." He pouts, I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"Trying to do something productive." I refuse, he makes a noise and scoots closer towards me on my bed. 

"Do you love the book more than you love me?" He asks, starting to get on my nerves. 

I look away from my book and down at him. "Who said I ever loved you?" I raise an eyebrow, he turns a shade of pink. 

"That's not what you say in your sleep." He smirks, causing me to roll my eyes but hide my blush as I go back to my book. 

"Excuse me, I'm not exactly aware of what I say in my sleep." I tell him, then tuning him out. 

"Soar, please cuddle with me. Then you can go back to your boring ass book." He pouts again, I look up and give him another look. 

"Did you seriously call me Soar?" I question him, he looks up at me and smiles at me. 

"Yeah, it suits you. It's my new nickname for you." He grins before coming closer towards me, I finally give in and set down my book. He gives me another smile as we get underneath the sheets, he pulls me into his arms and cuddles me before planting a kiss on my neck. I smile before resting my head on his hands. "Aren't you glad I bugged you to cuddle with me?" He smiles against my neck, I laugh and roll my eyes.

"You are so lucky you're cute, or else I would've kicked your ass." He giggles, I smile again before letting out a yawn.

"Tired are we?" He wonders, noticing my yawn. I nod and close my eyes, I slowly begin to drift off until I feel Beau fall asleep with me. 


I wake up and notice that the bed is cold, no Beau.. I'm wide awake, the bed is empty and there's nobody else in the room. I start panicking as I try to calm myself down, did he seriously leave me? Fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't do this. I sit up and start tearing up as I overthink everything, Beau left me and I have no idea where he went. No note, no text, no nothing. 

I finally get up and walk down the hall, praying that he's in the bathroom or he's still here with me. As I'm walking, I bump into somebody's chest and that somebody happens to be Beau. I start slapping him as I cry. "I FUCKING HATE YOU, NEVER PULL THAT SHIT ON ME AGAIN! I THOUGHT YOU FUCKING LEFT ME!" I scream as I continue hitting him, he pulls me into his chest for a long tight hug. 

"I would never leave you, I woke up before you and thought you might want something to eat." He says, showing me a platter filled with Taco Bell. I smile and sniff before wiping my eyes, he tilts my head up and wipes my tears away. "I'm never going to leave you, I promise. C'mon, we can go cuddle in bed while I kick your ass at Mario Cart." He grins before running away with the food into my room. I laugh and chase after him, flying onto my bed with an thump. 

After we get all comfy cozy in bed and start up my Wii, Beau digs into our tray of food. In the end, I kick his ass in just about every round we play until we're finally tired again from all of this "hardwork" 

I yawn once again and snuggle into his shoulder. He takes my hand and looks right at me in total seriousness for once. "I really like you, Saorise." 

I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks, "I really like you too, Beau." 

He grins before trying hard not to smile. "Would you do me the honors of becoming my official girlfriend?" 

I smile even wider than I thought possible before nodding. "Of course." 

And with that, we both lean in and share a passionate kiss before slowly dozing off once again in each others arms. 


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