Day 68

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Rylie -

"When do you think we'll be ready to go into the light? It's taunting me.." Shawn says as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"A few more days and if no one we care about shows up, we can go together. I pinky promise. Have you been sleeping?" I question and look at him, he sighs and lets out a nod.

"Yeah, it feels good but the dreams fucking suck." He admits, which was true. The dreams I had were always just flashbacks about that night and things I wish I could've done differently. "What are your dreams about?"

"Mine are always about that night and things I should've done differently from what I did. I shouldn't have been out late that night and I should've said something different to Luke. Something that would've made him hurt less. What about you?"

"Mine are mostly about my family and friends, them coming back to me and reaching out to me but I can never get close enough to touch them. What would you have done differently, if you had the choice." He looks over at me, I shrug.

"I probably wouldn't have left the house if I'm being completely honest. I didn't really want to go out that night anyways, I just wanted to sit in my sweatpants with my boyfriend and watch Netflix all day. I didn't want to go shopping, I didn't need to go shopping. It was Lana, she wanted to go shopping for the day before she left the town and wanted me to come, she was staying with Beau and then I walked in and she thought we needed some girl time so she basically just dragged me along to go shopping. Luke thought it wasn't such a good idea but then again, he just wanted to spend more time with me before he left for the tour. Look where I am now." I laugh and shrug, looking down at my toes.

"You're lucky you have someone that cares about you, my parents were never really fond of me from what I can remember about them. They were always yelling at me and just bringing me down from whatever I was doing. I think it was mostly because I had an older brother that was great at everything so they expected me to be just as great as him without realizing that we're not the same person. I bet they're happy I'm nearly brain dead, I bet they won't even come to visit me." He rests his head on my shoulders. 

"I'm sure that's not true. When you wake up, just tell them that you're not your older brother and you're never going to be him so they have to learn to respect you for who you are. If they love you, they'll understand." I say, running a hand through his hair. He sighs and nods but closes his eyes, resting. I lean my head against his, thinking and wondering what's going to happen once we enter that light. Are we going to wake up? Are we going to die? So many questions swirl through my head and I have no answer to any of them. 

"Hey, let's go into our room. We can lay down on the couch together." I softly say into Shawn's ear, he raises his head and nods. Once we're in the room, I try hard not to look at myself. We spoon on the couch and talk about life. 

"Do you think it's going to be different if we wake up?" He questions, running a hand through my hair. 

"Life is constantly changing, nothing stays the same. It's going to be weird getting used to everything new and then I'm pretty sure everyone is going to treat us like we're seven." I say with a light laugh, shaking my head. 

"That's gonna suck, I wish we could stay here." He replies

"I don't know if I want to, I want us to stick together but I miss being able to go outside and do things. I miss life, it's just passing us by." I admit, rubbing my thumb in small circles on the palm of his hand. 

"I actually miss driving, as silly as it sounds. But I just miss the wind blowing in my hair and the idea of me being able to drive wherever I'd like." 

"It's not stupid because I miss it too. When we wake up, we can take a long road trip together." I smile up at him, he flashes me one of his famous smiles and kisses my forehead. 

Just as he's about to reply, we hear footsteps and gasps. We look over and I freeze as I spot Saorise and another boy enter our room. Saorise covers her mouth and walks over to my body. 

"Rylie?" She whispers, taking my hand. 

Shawn sits up and looks at the boy, who sits in the chair next to his body. "Daniel?" Shawn says, tilting his head.

"Do you know this kid?" I wonder, not paying much attention to the weeping Saorise. 

"Yeah.. Well, I think so. He looks like me, maybe he's my brother? I can't remember him." Shawn stands up and nods, then going over to his maybe brother. "Who is she?" He nods his head over to Saorise.

"My best friend, I can't believe she actually showed up without Beau.." I look over at her, she was crying and clutching my hand. 

"This is such a fucking coincidence.." Shawn says, sitting next to his brother still in complete shock. 

"Yeah.." I answer

A/N - Hii, I'm back! Longer chapter but more is to come, I promise. I have a lot in store for you guys. I'm going to be posting a few chapters to my new Ashton fanfict and I'll be writing a bunch of 5 Seconds of Summer fanfics in the future as well as rewriting Sk8er Girl and Mr. Rockstar, I'll keep you guys posted! I love you to the moon and back. 

Much love,

Hailey Rose

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