Day 18

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Rylie -

Yesterday, Saorise and Beau left shortly after their discussion of how everyone was and how everything was going on in their lives. Leaving me alone to watch Boy Meets World. I can't remember much of Saorise, maybe it's because it's been so long but I don't really remember her face from anywhere. 

She got all nervous and shy when Beau came around, he was acting nothing like he usually does which was weird because he's himself around everyone but he got so quiet around her... I wonder..

The nurses came in and checked up on me before taking me into one of the rooms to scan my brain and make everything is functioning right. When I came back into the room, Luke was already waiting for me in his usual chair next to my bed. After writing a few things down on clipboards, the doctors and nurses leave us to be alone. 

"Hey princess, I hope everything is going okay with you. I can't stay long, Jai is coming to pick me up in an hour or so. Saorise spent the night at our place, her and Beau really hit it off." He tells me before telling me everything that happened last night. I'm happy that he's finally not going to be hanging around as much. I'll miss him, but he needs to get out and about more. 

He looked better already, he looked like he got more sleep last night, he finally shaved and changed into a new set of clean clothes. He still looked tired but still, he probably got some actual sleep last night and that's all that really matters anyway. 

"I want you to know that James is only taking me away from you because he wants your family to come back because I basically scared Emma off. I know you're probably sick of me but I just want to stay here and protect you until you wake up, I don't want to miss anything important while I'm away. So, I'm sorry for always being around you." He says softly, like he's on the verge of tears. 

I have so many things I want to tell him, like that it's okay that he's here 24/7. He just needs to go be social with his friends and family, he doesn't need to stick around by me. It's clear that I'm not going to wake up on his command. Or that he doesn't need to worry about me because he's afraid he's going to miss me waking up without him, I want to tell him that I'm going to wait for him to be by my side when I wake. Even if that means pretending to be asleep until he shows up. 

This boy has been coming to my bedside for nearly three weeks, just to talk to me and make sure I'm okay. I can't believe he hasn't gotten tired of me yet and just left, we must've been really close to have this happen. Or maybe this accident happened because I wasn't close with someone and this experience is going to make us closer together. I just know that this happened for a reason and something good is going to come out of this. 

As I'm sitting and watching him fix my hair, Jai walks in with his keys in hand. "Luke, you ready to get going? The guys want to make a video and I'm guessing the fans are going to want you in it." Luke looks up from my body and nods. 

"I'll be back before you know it, princess. I love you." He presses his lips to my temple before giving my hand one last squeeze, then leaving the room with his twin. 

Saorise - 

I can't believe I spent the night over at the Brooks boy's house when I hardly know them, I haven't seen them in months and they just welcome me in like I'm Rylie? 

"So, do you want to go out and do something today? We could catch up over a cup of coffee or something, maybe go public pranking?" Beau suggests as I enter the bathroom and brush my hair out. 

I shrug and look over at him, "Don't you have to make a video or something with the guys?" 

He nods, "Yeah, but you could help us record or something and then we can hang out afterwards." I turn on my phone and go through my Twitter while thinking of an answer. 

"How about you text me when you're done with your video? I have a few errands to run, I can just meet up with you at Starbucks or something." I suggest, he nods and runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't know if I still have your number but sounds like a plan." He answers, I nod and throw my hair into a sloppy bun before slipping away my phone. 

"I better get going, text me when you're done with your video!" And with that, I awkwardly leave the house to get ready with our date. 

I head back over to my place to change and freshen up, before heading out to restock my food supply. Afterwards, I pick up a few things and then I head back over to my house to bum around until Beau decides to hang out with me. I manage to pass time by reading, watching YouTube and watching a few episodes on Netflix. Finally, I get a text from Beau saying that he's done and he's about to leave for the nearest Starbucks. I smile to myself and make my way over.


I beat him over there, order my usual drink before finding an empty corner booth. He shows up seconds later and orders before sitting across from me. As I'm scrolling through my text messages and sipping from my drink, I notice that he's staring at my pale wrists that were currently uncovered by my sweater. I slowly pull down my sleeves but he's already asking about it. 

"What're those?" 

"What're what?" I reply much too quickly. He takes my wrist and rolls up my sleeves, revealing my cuts. "T-those are from my cat?" 

"You don't have a cat, now tell what's going on with you and why you're doing that to do yourself. And start from the very beginning." He says seriously, I sigh and begin my sob story. 

"It started in 8th grade, I used to be so confident about myself because I didn't give a rat's ass about what anyone thought or said to me. I was and still am, bigger than most girls but it was terrible in junior high. They called me terrible names, making me feel worthless and I thought there was no point in life if all it did was make fun of me. It got worse and everywhere I went, I would be in fear that people were judging me as I walked past them. So, I stopped eating. Just to see what it was like. I would take so many pills, skinny pills, anything that I thought would make me skinny. I'd throw up my food, pretend to eat it and hide it from my mom. Then, the rumors started. They started rumors that I was doing it for attention, that I was just some emo girl that would hurt anyone if they got too close and then I was alone. All of my friends left me. Rylie was there, sure. But she had so much going on that I didn't want to bother her. After my friends left me and everyone was spreading rumors, I started cutting. I just wanted to see what it would feel like, and it was my safe place. I cut both of my arms, all across my stomach and covered my thighs. It was like this for years, until Junior year. That year was complete hell because that was when Rylie left school and dropped out, leaving me to deal with the bullies all alone. At one point, a senior boy asked me to the homecoming and ended up embarrassing me in front of the entire student body. That's when I wanted it to end. After all of the shit I went through, I didn't see the point in living anymore. I didn't have any friends, the entire school wanted me dead and so did I. After school, I was alone and I had one of my sister's medications. I shoved as many as possible in my mouth and tried to overdose, but it didn't work. I guess it nearly did because my mom found me on the floor of the bathroom with a bottle of pills in one hand and a blade in another. I was still breathing, but barely. My mom rushed me to the nearest hospital, where I was in intense care for nearly an entire week. As soon as I was well enough to go home, my mom was pissed at my actions and sent me to a rehab center. She believed that I was okay by the end of senior year, but I wasn't. I managed to sneak in a blade in the hem of my backpack and they missed it, that's how I got through everything. My mom still thinks I'm perfectly fine, but it's a lie that she's still on because she doesn't know how broken I really am." 

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