Day 27

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Luke - 

"R-Rylie is going to be in San Francisco, she's moving to a different hospital." I stutter, looking up from my hands at my group of friends, telling them what I had heard yesterday. 

"What do you mean? Are they even allowed to do that?" Beau asks, looking at our friends. 

"Her nurse said that there's nothing they can do for Rylie, she's in the best condition as possible. They need the bed space and they already put her on a waiting list for a hospital in San Francisco. The hospital has all the equipment they need to check how her brain is functioning." I continue telling them with a sad sigh, but not even looking at Jai. 

"When is she transferring?" Jai finally speaks for the first time since I told them the bad news.

"She's on a waiting list. They didn't tell me where she was on the list but when there's an opening, the person on the top goes over. It does that until they get to Rylie." I shrug, he nods and sits down the next me. 

"This is so fucked up, is there anyway she can't go to the hospital?" Jai asks, I shake my head. 

"The nurse told me she tried to talk them out of it, but they need the bed space for other patients. Since she's in nearly perfect condition, the doctors thought she should be moved to a facility that's more suitable for her." I answer

"How the hell is this going to work? We can't exactly drive 5 hours every fucking day to see her. By the time we got there, visiting hours would be closed." James says, crossing his arms

"Yeah, and it's too expensive to take an airplane over." Beau groans plopping down on the other side of me. 

"The only thing we can do, is visit her as much as possible until she gets sent away." I shrug to everyone, they all nod and murmur a few things before Beau gets up. 

"I have a date with Saorise soon, so I have to get ready but we can stop by the hospital and visit her for awhile." He says with a kind smile before jogging off to his room to get ready. 

Saorise - 

I look at myself in the mirror, wondering if I was over or under dressed. I had picked out a thick sweater with some black skinny jeans, along with my favorite pair of tall brown boots. I put my long black hair up into a high sock bun, I covered my birthmark and had an all natural look with my makeup. 

There's a soft knock on my front door, I take a deep breath before grabbing my purse and opening the door. I smile once I see that it's Beau, looking somewhat dressed up for this occasion. I notice him looking at me up and down before looking into my eyes. I blush and look away. "Damn, I'm under dressed." I let out a soft giggle before taking his arm, leading me out to the car. 

"So, where are we going? You never said what we were doing." I ask as he starts the car, he flashes me a grin. 

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." He answers, I roll my eyes and look out the window as he pulls out of my driveway. "You look beautiful, but you shouldn't have to wear all that makeup. I love your birthmark and you shouldn't have to cover it up." He tells me, I blush and shake my head. As we continue driving, he cranks up the radio before bursting into song once Party in the USA comes on. 

Finally, we arrive at our destination. It's nothing much, a small empty park with a few picnic tables and open spaces for dogs to run around with their owners. I smile as we come to a stop before Beau opens my door for me, then grabbing a picnic basket out from his trunk. He takes my hand and leads me over to an open area near an oak tree. He takes out a blanket and sets it down before beginning to get everything set up, food and such. Lastly, he takes out his computer and slips in The Breakfast Club, remembering it's my favorite movie. 

"I hope you enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, juice boxes and goldfish crackers. I can't make anything in the kitchen without burning down my house." He says lightly, I giggle and peck his cheek. 

"I couldn't picture our first day any other way, I love it." I tell him before finally kissing his lips, making him smile into the kiss before I pull away to watch the beginning of the movie. As the sun fades, we snuggle closer to block out the chilly air before finally going back to his car to finish up the rest of the movie. 

As the ending credits come on, I begin singing the background song softly in Beau's ear. "Can't we just stay like this forever? You're warm and cozy, I don't want you to go." He pouts, I laugh and shake my head. 

"Who ever said I was going anywhere?" I question him, snuggling into his shoulder. "It's not safe to drive at night, we can just stay here and admire the stars." I yawn and look out of his sunroof, he smiles and presses a kiss to my forehead before I start to slowly doze off. 


On a lighter note, The Breakfast Club is seriously one of the best movies I've ever seen and you should go watch it if you've never seen it before. I love you guys to the moon and back, I'm going to hopefully be updating more now but I haven't been able to work on anything for the past few weeks. Anyway! Love you guys and I'm super sorry for not updating. 

Until next chapter, 


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