Day 2

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Lana -
"Shit, it's nearly 8:30. We need to get back home, Luke will be upset if we miss movie night." Rylie tells me as she checks her phone, I nod and we head out to the car.
"Thank you for setting me up with Beau, he makes me really happy." I admit to her, she gives me a grin as I start the car. I crank up the radio as one of our favorites songs turns on before we start jamming to the beat. My phone buzzes and I see it's Beau. "Hey, what'd he say?" I ask and hand her the phone, she takes it and reads it over.
"Hey, are you on your way home? We're ready for movie night." She tells me
"Uh, text him back and say 'Yeah, we'll be home in ten." She nods and types before locking my phone, then setting it back down. Rylie's phone goes off and she turns down the music before answering it. "Hey babe, we're on our way home. I'll see you in a few, I love you! Not possible!" She chirps.

As we continue going straight, there's a car that swerves and the only thing I remember is Rylie screaming.

"Luke, have you eaten or slept at all since yesterday?" I ask as I walk in, noticing his bags.
He shrugs and yawns. "I don't want to miss her waking up."
I roll my eyes and sit on the other side of her. "You need to eat, I'll watch her and I'll call you if anything happens." I tell him, he shakes his head and kisses her forehead. I sigh and stand up, "Fine, I'll go get you something to eat." I say before heading out of the room, towards the hospital cafeteria. I receive a text from Beau as I'm getting snacks from the vending machine, asking if I want anything from McDonald's.

When I go back up to her room, Jai was sitting in my seat while Luke was talking to her again. "Beau's coming over with McDonald's." I inform both of them before sitting down next to Jai.
"Luke, you've gotta get some sleep. You look bloody awful." Jai pipes in, Luke sighs and shakes his head.
"I don't want to miss anything." He replies, earning eye rolls from each of us. "And even if I was to, where would I sleep?" He questions.
I look around the room before my eyes land back on Rylie. "With her, you can sleep with her." I point to my friend.

Last night, Beau and I made her bed like it was at home with her sheets and everything. "We'll wake you up when Beau gets here with the food." I assure him, he nods and yawns again before crawling over her and putting her limp arms and body where they would if she were awake before closing his eyes.

"Do you remember anything from the crash?" Jai asks softly, turning towards me. I look up from the sleeping couple and nod with tears welling up.

"Ms. Lady, wake up! Please wake up." I woke up to the sound of a man and a light shinning in my eyes, preventing me to see what was going on. I slowly sit up and look around, flashing lights and sirens were surrounding me.
"Where's Rylie?" I ask him as I continue to look around. "Where's my friend?"
"She's in the ambulance, don't worry. She's in good hands." He assures me, I slowly get up and limp my way over to the truck. Luke was already there at her side as she whispers something, causing him to laugh and cry at the same time. "I love you too, I pinky promise." I hear him say before they link pinkies and share one last kiss.

Beau walks in with two bags of McDonald's. He comes over and plants a kiss on my forehead before sitting next to me, then handing me my food. He looks over at Luke and Rylie before me. "At least he's getting some sleep." He shrugs and tosses Jai his burger before digging into his own lunch. We eat in silence until Luke wakes up. He rubs his eyes and sits up, frowning once he sees that Rylie is still asleep. He gets up and goes back to his chair, taking a burger with him.
"How was your nap?" Beau asks, taking another bite from his food. Luke simply shakes his head and continues eating, not wanting to speak about what happened. Suddenly, a doctor walks in with a clipboard. The man was slim with a pinched face under a pair of thick glasses.

"I'm Rylie's doctor, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We need to run a few tests on Ms. Young and visitors aren't allowed to stay." He tells us in a nasally voice and with that, Luke's face drops. I collect my things and stand up, waiting for the guys to do the same but Luke doesn't budge.

"Luke, c'mon. We can come back in a little bit." Jai tugs on his twin's sleeve, who rips it away and shakes his head with tears forming in his eyes.
"Young man, I cannot have anyone besides the staff in here." The doctor grows impatient, Luke starts crying just as the doctor calls two male nurses from the halls.

They grab him by the arms and being pulling him out the door, he screams and shakes his head violently. "No! I promised her! I promised her I'd stay!" He screams while crying and fights their grasps. "No! Don't do this! She needs me!" He continues yelling until we're all out of the room, the nurses shove us out and slam the door closed in our faces. He's pacing down the halls, his hands running through his hair as he keeps mumbling underneath his breath.

"Luke, we can come back tomorrow when visiting hours start back up again. You need to take a shower and get some more sleep." Beau pats his back and walks us out to the cars.

Rylie, please wake up... For Luke, he needs you.

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