Day 74

45 3 1

Luke -

Today we have a meet and greet and signing, all fucking day. 

As I'm talking to a few of the fans waiting outside, I try really hard on what Saorise said on focusing on the fans instead of Rylie. 

"Luke, can you give this to Rylie for me? It'll get better, I promise." A girl spoke up once I finally got to her area, she hands me a card with a stuffed pig on it. I smile and nod before giving her a hug, then taking a photo with her. 

Once we're inside and everyone's lined up, waiting for their turns. Jai turns to me and raises an eyebrow as I look down at the card, wondering what was inside. 

"A girl wanted me to give this to Rylie, I'm just wondering what's inside." I inform him, he nods. 

After going through several fans and receiving several gifts, the girl who gave me the card was standing in front of us. 

"Hi, nice to see you again." I smile at her, she blushes and looks down at her toes. 

"Thanks, I'm Abigail by the way." She hands me her poster, which I sign and pass down. "I meant what I said, the whole it gets better thing. I would know, I came out of a coma last year." She looks up at me, my eyes widen as she continues. "I was stuck in the same position as her last year, but being in a coma isn't what doctors say it is. I wasn't trapped in my own body where I could hear everything but see nothing. I was outside of my body, like my soul was outside watching everything go on around me. She is with you when you're there, it's not like she's completely alone. Trust me, she knows what's going on around her." She puts a hand on my arm before turn to take the group photo before leaving the area. 

I have so many questions, so many things I have to ask this girl but I have no idea how to contact her. I look down at the card and see that she had written her Twitter name in cursive at the top. I'll have to talk to her later, after the meet and greet. More fans come in and more fans give me things to give to Rylie, along with their sympathy.

"Hi, I'm with the large group of girls over there and we made this huge poster with a few other fans of both of yours for you and her. It's not much, but we just wanted to let you know that we're going to be there for you throughout the entire situation." She smiles and hands me the poster in her hands that had just about every picture Rylie and I had taken together. I nod and take it from her before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me." I whisper into her ear, she wipes away a few tears from her eyes before going onto Jai. 

We finally finish the meet and greet, we have so many presents, letters and posters from fans that we have to open and read on the bus. 

"How are you doing?" Jai asks as I sit down on the couch, I let out a sigh but nod. 

"It's good to be meeting fans again, it's just all they did was give me presents for Rylie and it made me think about her more.. Not less." I answer

"Don't worry, you'll get there. You're in better shape than Beau." He pats my shoulder and looks over at Beau, who was laying across the bus floor while clutching onto a stuffed animal Saorise had gotten him. 

"Pretty pathetic, right?" James says with a laugh

"Whatever happened with you and Alexia? I thought you really liked her." I remember the girl that had been with James for only a few days. 

"I did, I stopped talking to her because of what she did to Rylie." 

"What did she do again?" 

"She was being an asshole to Rylie, you and me. She kept asking why you weren't over the whole situation even though the accident had only happened two weeks ago. She was being super clingy and said how I was so boring last night because all I did was talk about you two. I'm not going to go out with someone that is that self-centered and low." 

"I'm pretty sure Rylie is fine with it, you defended all of us. I'm perfectly fine with you seeing her, you seemed happy when you were with her. You should go call her." I tell him with a crooked smile but he shakes his head.

"As much as I miss her, I don't think I can. I don't think I can trust her. Besides, it wouldn't work out with me touring and everything. I just want to wait and find the right girl, if she's the right one than fine but I don't want to worry about being in a relationship while I'm on tour." He informs up, we nod and drop the subject. 

"Speaking of relationships, can I ask you guys something?" I look between them, they nod and I let out a sigh before continuing.

"When Rylie wakes up... Should I propose to her?" 

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