Day 12

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Luke -

"I can't believe we're actually doing this." I mutter, nervously looking down. Rylie comes up from behind me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"It's now or never, you only have to do this once and then you can go back to making YouTube videos with your best friends." She tells me before picking up her camera and pressing the record button. "Hey guys! As you can tell, I am with my boyfriend and we're in a totally different location! Well, today we are going to be cliff-diving. Luke, tell the viewers why we're doing something as crazy as this." She spins the camera towards me. 

"Rylie recently hit five million subscribers on YouTube and to thank you, she decided to commit suicide with me." I glare at her, she rolls her eyes and turns the camera around. 

"He's just being a big baby, don't mind him. I just wanted to thank you guys for being so supportive of me and my love for making videos. My camera happens to be water proof, so I'm going to take you guys with me! Luke can go by himself." She sticks her tongue out at me, I whimper and look down at the water. 

"If I die, I'll kill you." I tell her, she giggles and walks over before planting another kiss on the cheek. 

"Fine, we'll go down together. No need to threaten me, babe." She says, clearly ticked off. She stops recording, ties the camera around her neck and throws her hair up into a ponytail. She turns the camera back on, gets a glimpse at the water below before taking my hand. "Ready? 1, 2, 3!" And on the count of three, I jump off but she does not. I feel her let go of my hand and give me a shove off the cliff, I begin screaming my head off before I plummet into the water. 

When I get above the surface, I see that she's recording me. I flip her off before screaming up to her. "I FUCKING HATE YOU, RYLIE GRACE YOUNG AND I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ONCE YOU GET DOWN HERE. YOU LITTLE SHIT!" She bursts out laughing at my yelling before flipping me off again. She says a few words to the camera before running and jumping off the cliff, doing a few flips in air before diving into the water. She pops back up before swimming over to me with her camera facing me.

"Don't even, I hate you so much right now." I shoot her another glare, she sighs and comes closer before turning off her camera.

"I love you." She whispers before getting closer, then finally kissing me on the lips. Her lips were salty, as if she had been crying. I only want more, I pull her closer and we continue on kissing. When we pull away, I kiss her temple and then her nose. 

"I love you even more, and that's a promise."

"I miss you, I really wish you would give me more signs as to if you can hear me or not." I sigh and rub her hand. Ever since she squeezed her hand, I've been expecting her to wake up or just give me a few more signs that she's alive. "Do you even know who I am? They said that you might not even be able to remember who I am if you wake up. I know you're going to wake up, you're a fighter. Always have been and always will be." I laugh before remembering our first fight. "Do you remember our very first fight? You claim that you started it, but it was me because some guy started hitting on you at one of your meet and greets and I got a bit jealous." I scratch the back of my neck

"It's not like I could help it! The guy was all over you! You looked like you were enjoying it too, don't you dare lie to me about it." I yell at my girlfriend, who wasn't facing me. 

She turns around and laughs coldly at me. "Are you fucking serious, Luke? Why on earth would I enjoy some pervs nasty ass hands going up my skirt? I was trying to be polite about it, I can handle my own problems. You don't always have to protect me, I can fight my own battles! I'm sick and tired of you getting jealous 24/7! Then you accuse me of enjoying the attention before starting up a whole fight that's worth complete shit! Do you know what I do when I see some blonde bimbo trying to chat you up or when some girl decides to start making out with you at meet and greets? I don't start shit up with you because I fucking trust you! I trust you enough not to cheat on me, or not to leave me for someone better than me! You can't seem to trust me the way I can for you because all you do is get jealous whenever I start talking to a boy, you get jealous when I fucking hang out with your own god damn brothers!" She yells at me, tears welling in her eyes before she bursts out crying. 

I calm down and walk over to her, she wipes her eyes before I come over and pull her close. She immediately begins crying into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I keep mumbling into her hair as we hug and try to fix everything. 

"I love you."

"I love you more." 

"I love you the most." I whisper, trying to mend her broken heart

A/N - Sorry I haven't updated in like 85 million years! I've been super busy and school has been getting in the way of everything. Anyway, I wanted to thank my good friend BeachBrace for making me the most amazing cover I've even seen! I love you Brooklynn! I'll be updating on Mondays, just Mondays instead of trying to do it twice a week. I'm super sorry about everything but please vote if you liked this chapter and comment something you liked. 

Love you! 

P.S. I won't update tomorrow, you'll just have to wait until next Monday. Sorry again!

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