Curiosity kills the cat✍︎︎(Gentaro Yumeno)

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This is a light smut/rape
If you are sensitive to this, I advise not to read this! I apologize immensely if you do not like this topic, but you can choose to ignore this. It's not like reading these isn't optional.

Plus I'm too lazy to make it a full smut.


You cursed as you hid the old pair of pliers under the mattress of Gentaro's makeshift bed for you. It rested aside to his own, one of the few beds that weren't in the basement. If you were acting up towards your kidnapper, he would drag you into the cold basement until the next hour, saying that he felt lonely without your presence. It disgusted and mortified you on so many levels.

Days have passed since you were last 'harmed' by the writer. It was like he became preoccupied with something else. Perhaps the many stories he had yet to write with his talented mind? Talented, you hissed. The only talent he had was murdering others and being able to get away with it. How have the police not discovered your whereabouts yet? You weren't considered missing because, lately, the man who kept you hostage allowed you to return to work. The only thing, though, is that he would threaten to masseur anyone you had dared to speak to about your situation.

"My dearest little kin, what are thou up to?"

Peeking around the corner of the old fashioned shoji, familiar and somewhat envious emerald eyes found you kneeling in front of him—in the stance of a low bow. He had ordered you, the first time you disobeyed him, to respect him like a higher being. You wanted to refuse acting in such a manner, but you didn't have a choice. He controlled you. A smile graced his lips and he made his way to his own bed and sat down. His black cape and grey hakama were off, so he only wore his white kosode and black undershirt. He normally would only do that if it was warm outside, yet it shouldn't of been warm at all. It was the middle of winter, almost the end of December by now.

Patting the spot in front of him, you got up and sat down in between his legs, your body facing the shoji. He groomed your hair with his fingers lightly while humming a little tune of his. It was like a mother brushing her daughter's hair at the end of the day, yet instead of it being calming, you found it nauseating. With delicate but murderous fingertips stroking your luscious (H/c) hair...How can you not feel the least bit of sick. You had to hold back a slight whimper once Gentaro stopped petting your head, and did not dare to glance back at him.

"Well? How was your day, Little Kin?"

You wanted to reply with a snotty remark.

If you didn't respond sooner or later, something was sure to occur, but your throat was dry and your mind foggy. Hearing the bed springs squeak under Gentaro's weight, your hair was pulled back lightly. The left side of your hair was pinned back with that hairpin Gentaro bought for you back at the shopping mall. He noticed you had taken a liking to the beauty of the fine emerald stone shaped into a small butterfly. It seemed a little too eccentric to your appealing, but that did not stop the man from buying it for you. Anything you liked, he bought.

A strange and scary male he was; kidnapping and threatening you but wanting to keep you happy. With a snap, it confirmed that the hairpin was in your hair, fine and neat.

"T-Thank you...Gentaro-San..."

"Ah, ah, ah. How many times must I say: There shan't be any formal honorifics in my name that I hear from your voice alone."

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