The Longest Night☏(Doppo Kannonzaka)

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This is a lyrical story, so sorry if it's cringe because I myself ain't really a fan of song stories. Just a warning, this made me cry while I was writing it, and I rarely cry! Also Mentioning of Suicide attempt!!!

 Just a warning, this made me cry while I was writing it, and I rarely cry! Also Mentioning of Suicide attempt!!!

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'Too long, Too long to fear the sun'

Doppo laid across his cold bed that didn't even bother to warm him. It's been day since he disappeared to that...That Siren. Siren was the only proper word he could use to describe that woman who took his best friend away.

'Too long to live a perfect day
Alone to sing a song'

His phone on the desk bathing in the moonlight vibrated with a tune from a song he sung. It was late night, the moon at full peak, yet you still called him. You knew about his problem and called him every day since then, but he never responds. The thought of you trying your hardest to get inside of him to help brought little hope to his soul. Should he finally call you back? What if you disappear to another man rather than him? It scared him. It scared him more than anything losing the only thing left he had in his life. He feared being alone yet he didn't. It felt like the shadows enveloped your calls every time he tried reaching out for the phone. Whenever his body wanted to move again the respond, the call ended. So he goes back and gives up until next time.

'And now, I wonder if I could
I wonder if I should believe'

Again, you tried calling. If that one didn't pick up, you called again. And again. And again. You wouldn't give up on the male. You loved him and needed to help him heal with his loss. If he picks up, you'll tell him you love him and wait for the rejection, but you won't give up on helping him. He needs someone to give him the ability to cope with his problems. Doppo kept on reaching out for his phone, but it seemed as though it would move away. It infuriated the man however his body wouldn't budge to get up and grab it. Maybe that's how if life is going to be now. Things go away as soon as he retrieves them. Sighing, Doppo accepted that path of life and ignored your calls. The moon now captured his interest instead of the constant ringing from his phone.

'This night goes on and on

(The longest night)'

He wanted to cry. To go on a rampage. To ramble on to himself how to just end this pain. But he laid still on the bed, staring at the darkness of the night. Taking in the view of his new life he had no choice to decline.

'Imagine you're  fine
Imagine you're rambling
In a severe cold, a million years of snow'

Voicemails, texting, calling, going to the private chat of you, Doppo and Hifumi—nothing worked. You stashed your phone in your pocket and grabbed your coat. You overheard on the news that tonight was going to snow. And snow badly. You walked out your door and locked it. He better be ok. You know he's going to think what you fought so hard for him not to think. You spent months with Doppo trying to make him forget those deadly thoughts. He poured his heart out to you without you noticing. Telling his past and problems was his way of saying 'Please...Love me because I love you'. You were so focused on helping him forget those horrid things that happened to him when he was young that you didn't realize it. Getting into the night taxi, you told the driver the building to go to, and pulled out your phone. You were going to call Doppo until you get to his apartment.

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