You make me feel safe🎲P.1(Dice Arisugawa)

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You sighed as you followed your two best friends to one of the few dangerous casino's in Shibuya. It was late afternoon, just before dark, and Ku, a short, long white headed girl with cyan eyes, gripped onto your wrists, struggling to make you move into the stinky and man filled building. While Ku was doing that, Shrio, a tall, long black haired woman with beautiful green eyes, opened the casino's glass doors, making you more resistant on going inside. You see, you have a deadly huge fear of hoards of men. It literally scared the hell out of you whenever a group of them would pass by on the sidewalk when a take morning walks. One time you remember that on a misty morning, you took your regularly walk around Shibuya. Few cars were driving to work early or to another destination, and some kids walked with their friends. The scenery you saw gave you a sense of calmness. Up until you spotted a group of boys, 19 or older, riding on their bikes or skateboards on the sidewalk you were on. They barely even paid attention to what was in front of them and focused more on the 'obstacles'. You panicked and tried to move away before they got too close, yet your mind went completely blank and your body went numb. One boy with a skateboard did a flip and sped fast down the sidewalk. He noticed you frozen and attempted to stop. Only, he couldn't stop in time. That caused you and the boy to crash and create an entire collision of fear in your body.

"I'm so sorry, Onna-Kun! Please forgive me!"

The boy pleaded. He tried to reach out and help you up, but you sat still on the ground. Your heart pumping fast and loud. Luckily for you, Shrio was just finishing her morning walk and bumped into you with the boys.

"Hey! Get away from her! Can't you see she's scared! Move on and go!"

Shrio scared off the group of kids. She was as threatening as a threat could get. That's one of the very many reasons why she's was one of your best friends. That memory flashed through your head just before you were pushed into the casino full of men and women who you were sure you weren't going to like.

"Ku-Chan! Please don't put me here! I beg of you! No!"

You prayed to the girl. She gave you a devious smirk and patted your shoulder the best she could because of her height.

"Don't worry, (Y/n)-Chan! This is for you're own good!"

"We're just trying to help with your fear,"

The two girls said to you. They dragged you through the noisy and bright casino to the bar table. A group of people were doing a bet next to where you sat.

How do these lights not bother them!?

You pondered. It is true. The many bright lights all around the place gave you a major headache. Closing your eyes didn't even help at all. You sighed and rested you head in your arms on the dark colored wooden table. Ku and Shrio were long gone to probably gamble with everyone else. Baka's. After a while of sitting at the counter, you heard loud laughter next to you. You flinched and gazed up to the group next to you who were gambling. A very slim man with messy blue hair down to his chest was being laughed at. His head hung low as everyone in the circle pointed at him like he was worthless. He wore a green jacket with black fur at the hood, and ripped grey jeans. If you thought much longer, you would've think he was homeless. On his right ear was a long chain and at the end was a dice and red strings. That earring actually looked cool. You watched more as everyone continued to mock the man.

"You came here with everything you got and lost it all!"

"You're trash at this game boy!"

"He mine as well be living at the garbage site if he's this bad!"

More laughter boomed. The man with blue hair slammed his hands on the table and snarled at the greedy people.

"Listen you assholes! I haven't lost everything because I don't have anything! The only thing I have left is my own life! It's not even worth for! So I bet my life on this game!"

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