☠︎︎Overprotecive Bros!!!Pt.1☠︎︎🔴🟡🔵(Buster Bros!!! And Samatoki Aohitsugi)

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Just like the first Buster Bros with their sister as you, you have one green eye and one purple eye, the purple eye is the same side where Jiro's yellow eye is. And the reader has been hanging out with Samatoki Aohitsugi for a while, and developing feelings for him even though she's only thirteen(I know people are gonna flip out, but I listen to my little cousin rant about how hot this one actor dude is and he's literally twenty four while she's twelve...And some of you guys are probably younger than eighteen too and are reading this story about you and older men sooo, Yee!! Don't worry, I'm about to be fourteen in July 28 so I'm with ya if you are young😉)

"(Y/n)? How was Honors band class?"

I heard my big brother, Ichiro, ask me from the kitchen as I was closing the front door. The smell of fresh fruit and vegetables hit my nose as I heard the stove sizzling. It's only four in the afternoon and Ichi-Nii is already making dinner? He must be cooking something that takes long I guess...I glanced over to the living room to see Jiro was sprawled out on the couch with the remote in his hand and scrolled countlessly through the many channels, and Saburo with his fancy AirPods(that cost Ichiro a fortune) in his ears and on his phone; most likely playing a game or watching some show of his own. I dropped my bag and set my flute case down next to it as I took my shoes off. Placing them on the shoe mat, I walked into the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools. I had just got back from my honors band class that was about an hour or so long everyday of the week except for Sunday and Monday. We had to practice to perfection for our songs, especially this year too. This year is my second year of honors band and apparently this year we have to play for a conductor of one of the songs, and he is really famous from what I heard. Even though some of us—like me—are only in our last year of middle school, we have to play perfectly to impress the conductor coming to watch us. I'm not nervous, of course I wouldn't be. I've played flute for four years straight and know almost every note and symbol. Jiro was the one to introduce me to music actually. When I was only a little toddler, Saburo would complain to me how I would be given a plastic guitar from Jiro and play it horribly. He still complains whenever I play a high note on my flute wrong and says that his ears will bleed. We have soundproof rooms! How can Saburo hear my flute screw-ups!? Eh, I still love my brothers more than anything.

"It was fine...We we're split into instrument sections again, and the flute section had to play with the clarinets since their teacher was absent,"

I remembered the loud screeching and barely any good music coming out from our two sections. Let me tell you, with our songs that we are playing, the flutes and clarinets DO NOT sound good at all. We play the peaceful yet fast melody while the clarinets play the powerful but slow counter melody. I don't understand how the composer created the music with only a few instruments sounding horrible, but once the entire band plays, everything is beautiful...It confused the crap out of me. Ichiro set down a tray of cold Ongiri in front of me before going back to the stove.

"I made this while you were gone. Don't take them all, leave some for Jiro and Saburo!"

Our eldest brother warned as I grabbed already about half of the them off the tray. I slowly retreated my hand, trying to place back one or two Ongiri back on the tray before Ichiro turned around again. Sitting back down with Ongiri in my mouth and both hands, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Ichi-Nii? How come you only make stuff for us, but never eat it unless it's for a meal? You made up brownies one time, and all of us offered it to you, but you didn't want to eat it..."

"Heh, that's since I like making stuff just for you guys! I don't want to eat something I made just for my little Bros and sis, now do I? And you're the same when it comes to you baking desserts for us, (Y/n)! You never eat them, and you're content with just us having your baked goods! Take after me much? Haha!"

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