Snow Fight𒊹︎(Ichiro Yamada)

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Today was a snow day, making all the schools in Ikebukuro closed till tomorrow. The snow flakes slowly drifted in the sky to the bright ground. You and the Yamada brothers stayed in the house with your coats and boots on.

"Alright! You got everything Saburo and Jiro? Wouldn't want my little bro's to get a cold!"

Ichiro explained to the two younger boys. Saburo has on his yellow coat and green scarf while Jiro had his blue coat and green scarf too. Ichiro wore his black and red coat but no scarf. Not surprisingly. That boy doesn't like to wear multiple clothings outside. In his quotes to you, he said 'It refrains my movement when I try to walk or run,'. You rolled your (E/c) eyes with a small smile. In full honesty, you kind of liked Ichiro. Ever since you first met him outside Odd-Jobs Yamada one day, you two have been inseparable. As you were day dreaming, Jiro sneaked up behind you and snickered.

"(Y/N!!! You ready!?"

The seventeen year old boy jumped onto you, forcing you into a back-sided hug. You giggled at the yellow and green eyed kid and hugged him back.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready, Jiro,"

You tied your (f/c) scarf around your neck and watched Saburo and Jiro go out the door. Ichiro was holding the door for them. He faced you and smiled widely. His red and green orbs entrancing yourself. He was so pretty that you couldn't help but have a crush on him. At first, you only liked him because of his looks, which you still do. Just not as much as his wild, cheerful and caring personality. You sort of regret only liking Ichiro due to his looks. It wasn't that nice to like someone only for their appearance and not for who they were. That's just greedy. You walked forward, smiling back at your crush as he held the door for you, and walked out to the cold, snowy world.


You gasped. Jiro and Saburo were already building forts and snowballs in front of you. Your bewilderment was left behind as soon as you sensed a presence next to you.

"Wow, indeed,"

You side glanced to your left to see Ichiro next to you. His face was up at the cloudy sky with awe in his eyes. He closed his eyes and smiled down at you.

"This really is a great day, huh (Y/n?"

You paused for a bit before nodding and grinning back. Just as you were going to walk to the two other siblings, you felt something cold and hard hit you directly at your face. Snow war...You forgot about the snow wars the siblings will always do whenever it snows in Ikebukuro. But this is the first time you were dragged into one. You swiped the cold snow off your face and stared at the two boys. They both pointed at each other with wide eyes and large frowns. You leaned down and grabbed a clump of snow in your hands. All three of them knew what was coming next. As you formed the snow into a circle shape, you readied yourself and aimed at the closest person to you. That person was none other than Saburo Yamada. Poor boy didn't know what hit him. Literally! He fell forwards, face planting into the snow. You're giggles soon turned into a full out burst of laughter at Saburo's face of defeat.

"Sorry Saburo! You were just too slow though!"

You shouted to the boy on the ground. A few seconds later, Ichiro threw a snowball at Jiro. Soon the war between the brothers and you started.


"Every one for themselves!!!"

Saburo shouted as he hid behind a snow fort he built. Jiro was next to him covering his ears like grenades  were exploding. He quickly looked at his youngest brother with confusion all over.


Jiro screamed, puzzled. Saburo shushed him and winked, pointing to the other snow fort with a smirk. Jiro followed along with the plan he caught onto quickly. He then got hit in the face with a snowball from you all the way on the opposite side of the two. Ichiro was right next to you to, building more snowballs. After hearing Saburo say that, he snickered, knowing very well that you didn't hear him. Quietly, Ichiro grabbed a snowball and hid it behind his hands as he crouched next to you.

"Ichiro, I need more ammo!"

You said. Ichiro adored the fact that you were playing snow wars like an actual war for his brothers. He loved the sisterly love you had for the two younger males. He just hoped that you didn't think sisterly wise of him in his opinion. You turned to the older male and grabbed for a snowball. Once you reached for it, you noticed Saburo behind Ichiro and yelled.

"Ichiro! Watch ou-"

You were cut off as you were pushed forwards, straight into Ichiro. Your eyes widened for you felt something soft forced onto your lips.

Are we...? Is he....? ARE WE KISSING!?

You internally screamed. You could feel Ichiro grin against your mouth as he reached for your cheeks, leaning you more into him. After a moment of shock, you took action and remembered what to do. You kissed back with closed eyes, not noticing the two brothers giggling and high fiving at their completed mission.

"We did it!"

"We're having a sister-in-law!"

The two screamed in joy. Ichiro pulled back, panting a little, and smiled at you. You smiled back, and then glared at the two boys. They both hugged each other with fearful expressions.

"Thanks you two, but you're gonna regret that push!"

Just as you were about to launch a snowball at them, Ichiro shoved snow down your coat.


You struggled to get the snow off of your skin. Jiro and Saburo ran back to there fort, laughing and screaming, while you fell backwards trying to get the freezing snow out. Ichiro laughed and fell down with you. His red and green eyes captivating you to be still and ignore the snow dripping down your back. He swiped a piece of your hair out of your face and smiled even more.

"There's that beautiful face again!"

You blushed and lightly punched his chest.

"I should be saying that about you, Ichiro!"

The 19 year old laughed and hugged you. His scent smelled of pine and snow, not surprisingly. You hugged back and took in his scent, Ichiro doing the same with you.

"I love you, (Y/n),"

"Same here,"

You responded. Ichiro raised a brow before sneakily shoving more snow up your shirt. You squirmed next to him, trying to get out of his grip, but he wouldn't let you.

"Say I love you back, (Y/n). Or I will have to use my secret weapon!"

Ichiro demanded. You being the tester you are, said nothing and lifted your head up with a 'hmpf'. Ichiro rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Alright~You asked for it~"

"Wha? A-Ah!! Ahahaha! I-I-Ichiro! Stop! Hahaha!!!"

He started to tickle you ruthlessly. Your laughing confused the two siblings at the other fort.

"What are they doing?"

Jiro wondered. Saburo shrugged. He didn't know either.

"F-Fine! I l-love you t-too, Ichiro! Haha! Please! S-Stop! Haha!"

Your laughs finally died down. The two siblings cooed at you and their brother together.

"We did the right thing, Saburo!"

"I agree, Jiro,"

Sorry this one was shorter or had less use of 'smarter' words. I just had this story in mind and loved it!

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