Keep You Safe𒊹︎(Ichiro Yamada)

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This story is where Nemu joined the Yakuza with Samatoki.

Rushing to the opened front door, Ichiro dropped everything and went into every single room to try and find his brothers and you. He didn't bother to check on you three when he got ready for work in the morning. Even when you weren't by his side on his bed. He thought you went to the bathroom or something. And he didn't want to disturb Jiro or Saburo while they slept. Regretting not checking on any of you, the male went to his room first. Normally when he comes back from work, your always asleep on his bed or watching anime on his tv. Slamming the door open, he didn't find you anywhere. Going to Jiro's room next, he opened the door to see his brothers guitar on the floor. Picking it up, Ichiro places it back on its stand and went to Saburo's room next. His heart pumped fast and loud as he saw his youngest brothers favorite blanket their mother made for him gone. He never brought that blanket with him anywhere. Barely even walking on the stairs and more like jumping down them, Ichiro speed walked to the kitchen for anything. He passed the fridge to see a small white paper stuck onto its smooth grey surface. Curiosity and fear filled the males body as he picked the Note off the fridge and read it. Reading each word carefully, he slammed it on the counter and gripped his hair. He let a few tears roll down his cheeks as he kneeled on the ground. He should've checked on you three like he always did. He should've called you to ask where you were. He should've kept watch in the living room for any intruders to protect his three favorite people. He should've done all of that. But that time wasn't for crying. Ichiro glared ahead of himself and stood up. He glanced around for his bag. Finding it at the front door, he zipped it open and grabbed his Hypnosis Microphone. Wasting no time, Ichiro sprinted out to the streets of Ikebukuro and to his destination.


"Stay back, Bastards!!!"

You shouted at the two men coming towards you and Jiro and Saburo. You three were kidnapped last night and have been stuck in a cell, huddled in a corner. Jiro wanted to go in front of you to protect you, but you were stubborn and wouldn't let him or Saburo go away from the cold corner. Saburo held his blanket over himself and Jiro as you had your back to the men. They came closer and you shouted more.

"I said back off!!! You're not gonna even look at them!!! So fuck off!!!"

Not even startled by your anger, the two men were in reach to grab you. One growled deeply as you started to kick and punch at them as the other grabbed you. His right hand gripped your hair while his left one grabbed your arms. Jiro and Saburo shouted at you with tears pouring out.


The both of them screamed. You had an idea for the man that was grabbing onto you. You looked at his left hand that was about to shut your mouth. Growling like an animal, you took this chance and bit his hand harshly. So harshly that he pulled back and held his hand as specks of blood trailed down it. Frowning and snarling at them, you rushed back to Saburo and Jiro.

"I'll never let you two go,"

Just before you could hug them though, the other man grabbed your legs and pushed you down. The last thing you remember was hitting your head on a hard surface and being dragged away as Jiro and Saburo cried your name.

"...Don't....Touch them..."

You barely whispered out before having darkness invade your vision. How did it even come to this? One second you were sleeping peacefully next to Ichiro, the next, you, Jiro and Saburo were being dragged away. You only wish that they won't touch the younger siblings. You'd die to see them even hurt from another person. It's your duty to protect them like how Ichiro does. You made that vow ever since you formed a friendship with Ichiro. And it grew into a stronger promise as you two started dating. Yet right now, you failed at that promise.

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