Dreams about Hyrule!𒊹︎(Ichiro Yamada)

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Requested by @FanficFreak1412 !!

Ichiro yawned as he crawled into the shared bed you two had. You slept soundly on your side, drooling a little, making the oldest brother coo at how adorable you could be. You reminded him a lot of Princess Zelda from the Breath of the Wild game. With your gentle yet stubborn personality, man, you were just like Zelda then! Speaking about Breath of the Wild, Ichiro has just finished playing the game before he got ready to sleep. He left off at some stable with a bear on fire—which he found hilarious—and after collecting the bears meat when it died, he finally went to sleep.

Pulling the red plaid sheets over himself and making sure not to wake you, the male sighed in exhaustion. Today was the only day that he was able to actually relax without his brothers bickering, work asking him to do stuff, and the mini jobs he does like babysitting the neighbors kids. But tomorrow...Well relaxation won't be a thing unlike today. Jiro and Saburo were out with friends(it surprised Ichiro and you that Saburo had someone to sleepover with) so the both of you had a day to yourselves.

The entire day, you used it for catching up on your games that you haven't played in a while, and finishing up on some studying for when your online college classes come back tomorrow. You were studying to become a game programmer since you absolutely loved to play video games. Right now, for your job, you were a stock trader for a corporation in Tokyo called Bouncing Ball(I'll let you guys figure out who I'm referencing too here😉), and you gotta say it; you kinda liked your job just as it was. But ever since you were a child, you were always invested in the beauty of games and how they are created.

Anyways, before Ichiro got too comfortable in laying down, he gave you his nightly kiss on your forehead to say goodnight without words. Then he laid back down properly and closed his eyes slowly. He didn't want the day to end so quickly, but since time is never on any bodies side, it ended faster than he expected. Once his eyes were shut and he was enveloped in the clutches of deep sleep, the realm of dreams took over his mind.

"This view is absolutely magnificent, Ichiro! Don't you think so?"

Your voice called out to the male. At first, he thought he was awake and you were talking in your sleep. That is, until he opened his eyes to see a truly breathtaking view of the morning sky. The stars were still up high in the air, and the suns rays started to shine over the ice of a gigantic mountain you were looking at with such awe. Ichiro examined his surroundings carefully and realized the area as he noticed the broken buildings you two stood on.

He then glanced at your clothing as you stared at the mountain and sky; captivated by its enhancing beauty. You wore a similar clothing just like Zelda's royal travel clothing in his game. The blue, gold and white shirt with a brown satchel/belt, black leggings that showed off your rear a little too much for Ichiro's liking(he jealous boi at times), and tan and brown boots that went just below your knees, were exactly like Zelda's clothing.

Seeing you in Zelda clothing made Ichiro quirk a smile. You looked even more beautiful in the garment, and here, Ichiro thought that you couldn't possibly get anymore pretty beforehand. Startled by so much awestruck and confusion hitting him, Ichiro stumbled at words.


He noticed a strange cold feeling across his back and final took notice of the change of his clothes too. A blue tunic with a strange white sword design was what he wore for a shirt. Light tan flexible pants and calf high brown boots too. Behind him sat none other than the Master Sword and it's shiny blue and gold sheath on his belt. Smiling more and getting less confused, Ichiro knew that he was in a perfect dream. It was strange though. He never felt anything in his previous dreams.

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