My horse....♕(T.D.D FANTASY AU!!!)

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Ehhhh, I was trying to be as nice as I could with Jakurai's character just for you guys...I don't think I put in as much mean nicknames for him than I thought of putting in...Meh, whatever!

"Ahh...Today's the perfect day, don't ya think, Dreamer?"

I leaned back as my horse, Dreamer, trotted across the beautiful green land. The sun's shining. Birds are singing on the rooftops. It was all perfect for a relaxing ride down the forest trail. Dreamer snorted and shook his head in, I'm assuming, agreement. My horse was one of a kind. I had him ever since I first left my village as a wandering traveler. He had a beautiful black as night coat, and a moonlight white mane that I braided myself. His saddle was a standard saddle designed for comfort for our long journeys and so was his bridle. I made the bridle straps myself with leftover leather from my fathers blacksmith shop. My favorite appearance about Dreamer was his bright ocean blue eyes. That's how he got the name 'Dreamer' too since when I saw his eyes, they reminded me of a universe that you would see in dreams or something like that. But best of all about Dreamer and I is that we have undying loyalty and respect for each other. Unlike that one traveler who has that red and turquoise hair in my village with his horse. I had to chase down his horse with Dreamer multiple times because it kept running away from the man. He told me that his name was Doppo, and it wasn't really his horse, but his friend's, named Hifumi, horse. Anyways, I still had to chase after the horse many times...As we were enjoying our time down the trail, I heard a loud and thundering boom that rattled the ground a little. Dreamer lifted his head up and skipped backwards a few paces. I examined the tiny rocks in the dirt road scatter around the place as the vibrations started to settle. I heard a few crows and other birds flying out of the trees they were in and chirp or caw away. Reaching over and soothing Dreamer for him to calm down, I clicked my tongue while slightly kicking the sides of my horse for him to walk forwards. I need to see what caused that commotion. After all, I am a traveler and I also know how to fight properly. My mother was a retired knight for our kingdom and since my dad also forged weapons, my mother would teach me how to use them when I was little.

"Alright, Dreamer...Lets take this nice and slo—"


As I was about to continue my way down the trail with Dreamer, I heard a young masculine voice shout out. Before I could comprehend anything, I was kicked out of my saddle by none other than Dreamer himself. He was so freaked out that he couldn't even bother about my life. What is catching his nerves so much? As I was about to fall down and hit the ground, I felt hands around my waist and under my legs. The hands were cold and pale...Glancing up, I smelt the nasty scent of smoke. Though, when I was going to look at my savior, they looked back and quickly shoved us both to the ground as fast and as rough as possible. The pale hands were digging into the dirt, and were keeping us on land because of the oncoming rush of wind that seemed inhumanly possible to be created by nature. I only saw short but fluffy white as snow hair and more pale yet muscular skin. From what I could tell from the way the hands and hair looked, it was a man who was shielding me from the wind. I forced my eyes shut so that the leftover dirt caught up in the wind wouldn't get into my eyes. When the coldness from both the wind and the man's hands let go, I opened my eyes again to see fierce ruby red eyes with white eyelashes staring into my own (E/c) eyes. The man's face was so pretty that it was strange. Not many men in any of the roads or villages I've traveled to had been this pretty. The male snarled before his face contorted into a slightly worried face.

"Are you fine, miss?"

"I...I think so...But,"

I glanced around the place to see Dreamer no where. Did he run away!? I hope he's fine from that strange and powerful gale...If my horse were to ever get hurt from anything, I'd be devastated for the rest of my life. While looking for Dreamer just sitting down, I saw another male—seemingly a little younger than the white haired one—with raven black hair, fairly pale skin and a set of beautiful chromatic red and green eyes. How are these two men so pretty!? It feels like this is a dream somehow!! The raven haired boy ran to me and reached his gloved hand out for me to grab. Complying and grabbing it, the male lifted me to my feet and, just like the white haired man, he gave me a worried expression.

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