You make me feel safe🎲P.3(Dice Arisugawa)

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This one isn't really my best because I'm very tired and it was late when I wrote it.

It's been weeks since you've last seen Dice. For the first time since second grade, you've encountered Doppo getting angry and chase the homeless male out of the apartment. The two caused a commotion throughout the building, having the neighbors come and check on you to see if your ok. You told them you were fine and said it was something they didn't need to worry about. After Doppo came back even more tired, you called Ku and Shrio to tell them your fine. Lying slightly and saying you just got lost, they accepted and went back to their lives. That night Hifumi came back from one of his many hobbies to check on you and Doppo too. You, being the easily annoyed younger sister you are with your overly protective brother and friend, shouted at the two and locked yourself in the room. You didn't mean to yell at them, but it frustrated you that Doppo would chase a starving, freezing man out of the apartment. Yes, in some cases you understand why he would do that, yet you risked your life to rescue Dice. It wasn't fair. The past three weeks you stayed in your room. Fetching food and water when you needed but not talking to either men. They felt horrible. Hifumi needed both his sisters and Doppo's advice on women so he could comfortably stroll outside, and Doppo needed both of the Izanami siblings calmness to help with his stress. Without you, they didn't know what to do. And neither did Dice know what to do. He lost all of his leftover home scraps to a storm that hasn't calmed in the longest of time. Even to now it still brews and floods the cities sewers. Dice had to find multiple different places to just sleep at night. Comfortably or not. It was another night of Dice pacing around the city, looking at the bakeries windows, the cars passing by, and the people having actual umbrellas to shield them from the harsh storm. He felt jealousy build up in his body. They could actually afford to keep themselves warm. He could just go to Ramuda's place to sleep, but last time he did, Ramuda complained due to the mud and water getting on his couch and floor. That boy had everything he could ask for while Dice had to struggle to stay alive. Wondering aimlessly into a alleyway, Dice tched and kicked a can. The can hit something nearby that made the thing it hit hiss. Ducking down quickly and crouching to the hissing sound, Dice pulled a cardboard box over. Under it was a tiny orange tabby cat. It's sharp (e/c) eyes reminded the male of you, strange enough. The cat hissed at him and laid back down, shivering. Dice frowned at the sight of the animal shivering worse than him. He carefully grabbed the cat by its sides, avoiding its claws, and held it in his dirty jacket.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. I'm trying to help. You can't lay down on the ground thinking it's warm! It kills you faster little guy,"

He couldn't believe he was talking to a cat out of all things, but it kept his insanity away. The orange tabby cat gave up biting and clawing once it felt the warmth of Dice's body heat. It then purred and rolled onto its back.

"Huh, you're a girl? I thought you were a boy,"

The female cat hissed at him as if to tell him to shut up. Dice chuckled and remembered about you. You were just like that with him when you met.

"Heh...You remind me of a person. Your exactly like her,"

Just as Dice was about to fall asleep, he heard footsteps near him. He looked up and glared at the person holding an umbrella for him.



The male growled at the person in front of him. The person groaned and waved a few bucks in his face. Dice smirked and held the tabby cat in his arms while snatching the money. He rolled his magenta like eyes and followed the person to where ever.


You yawned as you woke up from another stormy night. Lightning has finally came and struck every few minutes. That's not what woke you up though. It was the strange vibrating sound and feeling that continuously rubbed against your stomach. You glanced at the warm spot to see a orange tabby cat. Her fluffy fur smelt of fresh lavender. You stared at the sudden surprise and carefully pet it. She purred into your hand and opened her (E/c) eyes. They looked exactly like yours.

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