Chapter 2: Shopping For A New Life

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True to his word, Shota returned as early in the morning as he could. (Y/n) had even been told he waited for the hospital to be open to visitors for over an hour. His dedication surprised her greatly, but it more so embarrassed her. The nurses enjoyed teasing her about the handsome young man waiting to sweep her away in his fancy car. At that, her face burned a bright red, wondering how she would be able to withstand walking out of the hospital. No doubt they would watch with great curiosity.

Visiting times soon arrived, and the red-haired male all but ran to meet the (h/c) haired girl in her room. He handed the luxurious bouquet of flowers in his hands to her, hugging her tightly. From what she could tell, he was more affected by her sleeping in the hospital than she was. However, he was obviously pleased to be able to take her away to his home again. From the way he spoke, she had been living there since forever, but she highly doubted that. Unless they were childhood friends, she found the way he spoke about "their" home bizarre.

As she had expected, the walk from her hospital room to the front desk was fairly mortifying. The nurses giggled with delight, whispering to one another to speculate who Shota was. In all honesty, she didn't even know. While she attempted to bring it up to him, she found her words became stuck in her throat. She couldn't help but think it might have been insensitive to ask.

Escorting her outside, the younger girl gave a distressed expression when she saw a limousine waiting for them. The male was obviously wealthy, and for one reason or another, it unnerved her. She wasn't quite sure why, but the strange churning feeling in her stomach caused her to feel great shame and guilt. Even as she stopped walking towards the car, time felt as if it stood still. She wasn't fond of that bubbling feeling. It was like witches had nestled themselves in her skin.

Eventually, she had to start moving again, but at that point, her movements were stiff, every muscle feeling sore and uncomfortable. Sitting in the car did nothing to alleviate it though the red-haired male did attempt to help. He gently hugged her, massaging her shoulder blade. His knowledge of her likes and dislikes came in handy numerous times as if he had the ability to read her thoughts and emotions. Whenever he saw her tense or frowning, he gave her loving actions and sweet words in an attempt to soothe her. They were strangely effective.

"It might be hard for you to believe, but you've been doused in luxury like this for quite a while now," he hummed, "You weren't born into money like I was and you weren't near as comfortable with it. It's actually very interesting to see you like this again. You're like a deer in the headlights."

"I-It just feels wrong."

"Why? I don't receive my funds through illegal ways. I run a business. That's hardly a crime."

It was just in the (h/c) haired girl's nature to be conservative with her money. She didn't feel as if one should spend it on nonnecessities, something she expected came from her "past life". Judging from what the red-haired male had said, she was very clearly not cut from the same cloth as he was. That being said, it didn't necessarily mean she was poor. Still, she couldn't help her curiosity at what she used to be. It was like something essential had been taken away from her.

"How wealthy are you?" she asked suddenly, the filter on her mouth being temporarily disabled by her distraction.

"I'd like to think I'm fairly privileged. After all, I am the head of a renowned technology company. We deal with programming, robotics, computers, and we invest heavily into research for advancements in these fields. I ask again; is that a crime, my dear?"

"W-Well, no, but - "

Shota held his hand up to his mouth, chuckling at the girl's inability to form a sentence. Her nerves had gotten to her, and he understood exactly why. The poor thing was only worried about those less privileged as she tended to be. Even before amnesia had taken place, she was concerned with everyone's happiness and wellbeing. It was such a wonderful trait for a lady to have. In fact, he was certain it must have been one of the reasons he adored her. She was so selfless and understanding.

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