Chapter 51: Aureolin

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Ryota panicked. He didn't know what to do. The moment the (h/c) haired girl collapsed in his arms, his heart near stopped. A lot of concern for her was echoed, the orange-haired prince being the first to offer assistance, but when he got closer, it was obvious the girl's discomfort increased exponentially. Her body seemed to react to him, but it wasn't necessarily positive. As such, the older male pulled her up so he could carry her, looking back and forth to see where he could take her. However, he was abruptly stopped by Arien Otsu who put his hand on the male's shoulder, stopping him from going off on his own.

"Follow me quietly," he advised, trying not to cause a panic, particularly because it would be difficult to get the girl the help she needed, "There's a quiet place outside in the garden. I'll make a call."

Following the man's lead, Ryota walked after him, carrying the younger girl in his arms. To his surprise, he wasn't exhausted by carrying her despite his lacking physical strength. And while he supposed it was because of his adrenaline and shock, he was worried about whether he would be able to keep it up. Luckily, he didn't have to see that scenario as the blonde took him and the younger girl out to the garden, an area not too far from where they were. It was still nice and quiet though and the fresh air was bound to do her some good.

As the green-haired male placed the girl down on the bench, ensuring she could breathe properly, Arien took a phone call, presumably calling an ambulance. He then came back to their side and gazed at the state she was in. Frowning, he leaned his ear down to her chest, only for him to be promptly pushed away. Ryota, suspicious and overprotective of the girl who had collapsed because of his actions, wouldn't let him near her. The sound of an ambulance roared behind them all the while.

"I apologize," he mumbled, placing his hand on the younger girl's cheek, "I respect your desire to help her, Lord - Count Arien, but I'd prefer to take care of her myself."

"You really are just a kid..."


"Well, it matters not. We're quite aware of the situation, so we'll take it from here."

It was not three seconds after he said that when people entered the garden from the ambulance, placing her on a stretcher. And though Ryota attempted to follow after her, they slammed the doors on him. Arien then put his hand on his shoulder before giving an eerily gentle smile, the vehicle driving off before he knew it. Shocked, the green-haired male ran after it, but, obviously, didn't get far at all. So he turned back to the blonde man who merely went along with his questions like he was a child.

. . .

As (Y/n)'s eyes flickered open, she found herself in an extremely lavish bedroom, one with a massive bed and a warm duvet covering her form. And as she twitched her leg, barely feeling movement, she could also feel silk. Because she hadn't been wearing silk at the exhibition, she could only come to the conclusion she was in something different. That's right! The party! Gasping, the younger girl attempted to put all her strength into rushing out of the bed, only to falter when she stood up.

Feeling immediately dizzy, her legs buckled from underneath her, sending her to fall. That was when she realized she was not the only one in the room. One of the several that had been next to her - caring for her while she slept - helped catch her. Supporting her gently, the woman guided her back to the bed to sit on. The woman then collapsed next to her, giving a worried and flustered expression.

"Aureolin," she murmured, almost teary-eyed, "Please rest. Please rest."

"I...have to...b-be somewhere. Wh-What's wrong...w-w-with me?"

Looking around the room, the younger girl was immediately confused by the presence of four people, excluding herself. One of them was holding what looked like a pitcher of water while another held a plate of fruit. Then there was the one weeping by her side and the last individual was placing fresh flowers in the vase. That was when she remembered; the strange flower that had been on Arien's chest and then some orange-haired boy's. Immediately objecting, she put her hand up, and all of the people in the room froze.

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