Chapter 14: The Hatano Society

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The younger girl didn't quite remember when she went to sleep. All she knew is that she had fallen asleep by the red-haired male's side and hadn't moved since. As she came to the realization that she was asleep, she felt the male's hand caressing her head. She felt him play with her hair and curl it around his finger before pressing it to his lips. The male seemed to note the way she had been breathing changed, insinuating she had woken up.

"It's the middle of the night," he hummed, hugging her lovingly, "You may want to go back to sleep to be awake for school tomorrow."

The (h/c) haired girl shook her head. She had already woken, and she wasn't certain if she was tired enough to fall back asleep. As such, she gave a small yawn and turned over to gaze at the male. He was still obviously sick, his face flushed and his features distorted in some kind of pain. Nonetheless, he was watching over her as she slept, ensuring her safety even if there was nothing there to harm her.

She rolled over in his arms, surprised to find that her back was pulled against his chest. He was surprisingly bold, bringing a bright pink to her face and a silence to wash over the two of them. She could hear the male's breathing due to that, the warmth helping her during the cold night. It felt like an intimate moment, something that both kept her awake and put her to sleep at the same.

The younger girl thus found there was no greater choice of action than to slip away from his grasp. There was a visible sign of disappointment in the male's chest, sighing as though she'd taken away the breath from his lungs. However, he didn't beckon her back, allowing her to do as she pleased with minimal interference. The worst he did was give her puppy dog eyes as he coughed harshly in order to somewhat sway her towards coming back in his arms.

As she walked to the other side of the bed, she took off the rag from his forehead, surprised to find it was almost dry. She then began to dip it into the bowl of water, wringing it out before placing it back onto his skin. He gave a shy smile in appreciation for her care and held onto her hand tightly, lacing each of his fingers between hers, affectionately stroking her skin with his thumb.

"I never got to ask you," he hummed, looking up at her with a proud smile, "How was your first day of school? I know I called, but it was only in the middle of the day. Did anything else happen?"

"Mm? Nothing much. Just classes, really."

"Are you certain? Even if it's trivial, I'd still like to know."

The male gave a strained expression at the thought of having any secrets kept from him. However, it was quite an ordinary thing, going to school, and wasn't at all the terrifying experience he made it seem like. Even if it was at times lonely or confusing, she nonetheless adored the top-tier education she had access to. It made her giddy and provided some kind of drive to her otherwise unmotivated life. If not for school, she would have simply sat down and waited patiently for Shota to finish his work at the manor.

"Really, I just went to classes. I was more focused on them than my academic peers."

"If you...say so, my dear."

The (h/c) haired girl gave a confused expression before she stood back up. She felt his eyes still glued to her form as she walked back over to her side of the bed. They were never taken off of her form even as she let him hold her form once more. Falling asleep, she quickly felt his protective nature take over the atmosphere, his dedication to her well-being putting her at ease. As her eyes closed, the last glimpse of him she saw was him pressing his forehead against hers, but there was something off about his eyes, not that she cared to stay awake in order to discern what it was.

. . .

Like the day before, the younger girl had enjoyed a delicious breakfast with the rest of the Yasojiro household and was sent off by them as well in the car. Shota gave her a departing hug and told her words that didn't fade from her head. He said "Come home as soon as you can", insinuating something special would be waiting for her. However, as he could hardly stand, she was more focused on sitting him down while he began to break out in a coughing fit. Blood was even shed, his condition becoming more and more concerning to the younger girl.

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