Chapter 4: Fitting Into The Roll

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Dinner had been just as rich as the younger girl had thought it would be. Divine and professionally made, she thought she had perhaps died and gone to paradise. However, upon waking up in the morning in the giant master bedroom on the luxury bed surrounded by silks and feathers, she realized it was not. She looked from side to side when she realized she was alone. It was an unnerving feeling, and she was not fond of it.

Until she found Shota sleeping on the couch, she held her breath with fear. Like waking up alone, she was vulnerable and exposed to anyone that wanted to hurt her. While she was hardly aware of any plots against her, she was frightened by what her life had been like before she woke up in the hospital. Something was missing, prompting her heart to race, her blood to pump, and her brain to hurt as if to protect her from her own memories.

Fearful of relapsing into that terrifying nature, the younger girl scampered along the heated wooden floor and peered over the arm of the couch. The male there looked as though he was perfectly content resting on a much smaller area than his luxurious bed. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes as she attempted to observe the male further. He seemed to stir as she cast a shadow over him, but it wasn't in a way that appeared uncomfortable. On the contrary, he seemed just as relieved as her to be in the presence of another, even if subconsciously.

Looking closer at the sight before her, she placed her hand on his skin, surprised by the warmth he emitted. His eyes opened slowly, the faint green irises allowing him to see the beautiful girl gazing at him. He blushed, a proud and somewhat somber smile being placed on his still sleepy features. Holding onto the hand placed to his jaw, he leaned into her touch and sighed heavily, deeming the situation as the start of a brilliant day.

"You're so beautiful in the morning," he mumbled sleepily, his words slipping out of his mouth without obstacle, "Like some kind of...I dunno...maybe an elf or something. That's not right though. Can't put my finger on it."

The redhead hummed as if he were under the influence of some underlying alcohol. For all the younger girl knew, he could have been drinking, but he certainly didn't smell like it. Perhaps he was just far from being a morning person. She leaned down and looked into his eyes to distinguish how tired he was. However, the moment she did so, any drowsiness was wiped away and replaced by his complete affection.

His verdant green eyes twinkled, his mouth slightly parting. She could hear the way his voice caught in his throat, only a small gasp emitted here and there. Her very touch seemed to affect him, even more, when she moved away from him. Like a kicked puppy or a child crying over spilled milk, the male's eyes lost their glimmer and were replaced by some kind of guilt. Tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes and he began to weep silently.

There was something about it that made the younger girl touch his head to console him. However, it only made his tears flow freer, his pupils not daring to make eye contact with her. He held onto her hand for but a moment before he reacted as if it were fire to his skin, the pain almost as physical as it was emotional. The male then looked up with a pitiful expression, his eyelids slowly closing and sending him back into sleep.

His hand's grip loosened on her, and when she was able to move away, the younger girl placed a blanket over his shoulders. She smiled gently before beginning to explore the mansion. It was such a large main estate, and there was even more on the miles of land he possessed. Surely she couldn't explore all of it in one day, but something about that excited her to no end. The servants, land, buildings, everything; she wanted to know about it all.

"Good morning, (Y/n)," a woman hummed, likely someone that knew her before everything happened, "Is the master still asleep?"

"Yes. He seems slow to wake up."

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