Chapter 60: Motive

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Hotaka was shocked to hear those words. The Disciplinary Chief was dead, and supposedly, it happened the evening after the militant's removal from the Hatano Society. He had been called to the university to discuss what had happened the previous day. The male tried his best to give as much detail as he could, but it still baffled him. Of course, it didn't help that he was under suspicion, seeing as he was one of the few people he interacted with the previous day. Granted, no one really thought he was capable of doing such a thing, but that didn't stop the slander thrown his way by the wealthier Athainian students.

"I see," one of the officers nodded, taking down some notes on Hotaka's testimony.

"He told you that?" the dean sighed, burying her head in her hands, "I'm very sorry, Ishikawa. It was not the best behavior that you showed with Ms. Izumi, but it was, by no means, grounds for your disqualification from the Hatano Society."

"But Mr. Toyama said that it was only right - "

"You paying for her medical expenses and being suspended was more than enough, and you clearly felt regret for your actions. Along with all of your positive volunteering, club involvement, and great grades, no one should have threatened your position here. I'd like to apologize for that."

Hotaka was baffled. The man who had wanted to see him fall from grace had died, and in doing so, cleared up any punishments. In fact, the school apologized for the treatment by giving him plenty of gifts, including waved tests and classes. But it made him a little upset. He knew that they were only doing all of that because they wanted to keep his talents in their school. That was the whole point of the Hatano Society at Drisless.

They spent more than five times on the students within its selective boundaries to hone their specialized skills. But, in return, they were counting on them becoming extremely influential all around the world, thus giving them back more talented students wanting the same treatment. The whole process attracted less talented, but extremely wealthy students, academically or physically inclined individuals, and so on. All of it added to the prestige of the school and deepened their pockets. He was told the same when he started at Drisless, having to sign countless non-disclosure agreements.

For the first time in his entire enrollment there, he felt that Drisless was just a fancy way for the Athainians to show off talents they had "cultivated". They took their prized pigs and sliced them up, piece by piece for countless hands to reach for the fresh meat. The overly pale hands reaching for Hotaka were government forces around the world. They all saw his potential in the expensive exhibitions Drisless held for the Hatano Society and wanted to place him at the top of their militaries. But if he wasn't backed by the Athainian funded school - with an Athainian retainer - they would have never looked to him to be their prized dog.

He felt a little hopeless in that regard like he had a muzzle and leash on him with someone holding taut on the line to keep him in his place. That situation showed him just how unfair it all was, crippling his hope for the goodness of people. But he was still Hotaka, and he still thought that they deserved another chance. Even Mr. Toyama, who had shown such spiteful envy towards him, deserved a proper investigation. So Hotaka offered his services.

At first, he was met with opposition. The officers in charge of the investigation thought it would be a conflict of interest. Considering he was under suspicion as well - though just a hint of doubt - it wasn't ideal for them. Though they respected the purple-haired male's talent, they resisted until the lieutenant came to vouch for him. He wasn't Athainian, but he wasn't Afruan either, so they trusted his words. They believed that he would control Hotaka, something that, again, made him feel very hopeless about people's goodness. This was especially true as the university pushed him to do it, firmly believing he would once again become more famous by solving the case. Though, they just wanted more prestige from his work. How unfair it all was.

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