Chapter 72: Death's Grip

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Kenko Akahito was someone that neither knew the (h/c) haired girl well nor that understood her motivations. When they had first met, he had believed her to be a wealthy girl who had gone from rags to riches. However, lately, after assessing the mental state of everyone that surrounded her, he was not so sure she was innocent. And he was right, but he had no evidence to effectively claim that. At least, not yet.

After watching Hotaka break down over the girl's test being "ruined", he had seen her grin. It was evil. He couldn't believe she was smiling at someone precious like Hotaka losing his mind. And though he wanted nothing more than to storm into her room and interrogate her, he wasn't authorized to do so. The only reason he was given access to the house was because Shota needed him to fulfill his role, and his role was nothing more than getting the militant to lose attraction to her, and, if possible, vice versa.

The redhead never wanted him to interact with her directly, and he imagined that if he had set foot in her room, he would have been immediately disposed of. He was meant to distract Hotaka from pursuing her, but he couldn't do that when the purple-haired male was focused wholly on some piece of paper. Biting down on his lip, he had made up his mind to take a risk, waiting and waiting for Ryota to leave the girl's room.

When he was certain that the male had left, he moved quickly to enter the room, catching the girl placing something in the closet. She quickly turned around in surprise before giving a small, amiable smile, but he knew it was fake. And though he was inherently curious about what she was hiding, he wouldn't be able to get anything out of her if he went around snooping right in front of her.

"That's right," she mused. "You were here, weren't you? Did you need something?"

He stared at her quietly for a while, narrowing his eyes in discontent. She was acting so innocent, trying to distract him from whatever she was hiding. Her words might have seemed genuine, but they both knew she was trying to get rid of him. He wasn't a target of hers, and as such, he was useless. She would have rather gone and talked to Hotaka. Yet Kenko stood there in front of the closed door, showing no signs of leaving.

"You're not going to ask what's wrong?" he questioned, commenting on his beaten-up appearance and even to the new cast on his arm, "Even Shota had the decency to pretend to show concern."

"Well, isn't it obvious?"


"I don't know the specific details, but you were clearly caught trying to interfere in Hotaka's walkout. I imagine you went to your...well, I don't know how you're related, but you are related to the chancellor, aren't you?"

"How did you - "

"I knew from the moment we met. I'm a very smart girl, Kenko. And smart girls don't show their cards before it's time."

The brunette gritted his teeth. Of course she knew. It was hard not to miss his last name despite his avid attempts to have people always refer to him by his first name. Then again, judging from the way she talked, she probably already knew the connection between them before she had even entered the school. It wouldn't be that surprising, considering she had the resources of Shota Yasojiro on her side.

"Fine. I get it. You're special."

"I never asked to be special," she suddenly snapped, quick to change her facade and put on her usual smile, "Like I said: did you need something?"

"I want you to convince Hotaka to make a difference in this stupid country. He's not happy here and you know that only wealthy Athainians get that luxury. Help us start a movement to push them out."

Kenko was aware of the irony in his words. He was never impoverished and he was never subject to having his history erased like Afruans were. In fact, he was nearly born into a wealthy family, never having struggled to be heard the way they did. But it was important she understood the need for change and that he compel her to act on it. She hated it, too. That was something he knew for a fact, so he was determined she would hear him out, if only out of sympathy.

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