Chapter 56: Against The Clock

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(Y/n)'s freezing temperatures had returned to normal after she woke up again, the girl immediately reaching for her phone. Her headache was gone, but her rage was not. She began tearing up at her frustration with Shota. Of course, he was never a saint, and she knew that, but still, she just wanted to believe all of her guilt could be placated. And, yet, she was conflicted yet again.

"Brought you something to eat," Hotaka muttered shyly, giving a look of shame to the younger girl, "A-And hot chocolate! Ryota said you would like it, so - "

Her hands shot to grab the cup, staring into it somberly. She felt like she should have remembered so many things related to the drink, but nothing came to mind. Curling up, she sighed, the purple-haired male's heart becoming heavy. He kept trying to reach out to her but could never muster up the courage, always pulling back at the last moment. Safe to say, he was very relieved when his boss came into the room. The older male knew far more about the situation than he did. After all, he was the one with her when she collapsed. Though, that stung in its own way.

It felt much the same when the green-haired male took a seat next to her, offering his hand to her. And it hurt even more when she took his hand. But Hotaka wasn't really aware of why. He just knew it was an unpleasant feeling. The male only came to the conclusion that he was in pain seeing her in pain. Otherwise, the whole thing made no sense to him and frustrated him greatly. Withdrawn, since there were no other seats to take, other than the doctor's - which he felt iffy about taking - he leaned against the wall, watching (Y/n) carefully.

"You make me worry more than you should," Ryota huffed, squeezing the girl's hand tightly, "Everyone who looked at you said that they had no idea what was wrong. It's just a relief you woke up. Make sure to eat a lot."

Handing her the tray of food, the male lifted an eyebrow at her frown. She didn't seem as thoughts he planned on eating anything. Even with the hot chocolate, she just stared into it as opposed to drinking it. Regardless, he found it was his responsibility to feed her. He scanned the plate to see what she would most want to eat but found it harder than he thought. The male didn't know much about her food preferences. As such, he chose the closest one to her and scooped it up.

For about ten seconds, he pushed it to her lips, becoming more irritated with every second that passed. She refused to open up. Sighing loudly, he tried to gently pry her mouth open but to no avail either. However, a small smile did place itself on her lips, something he took pride in. Of course, if he had known what she was planning, he wouldn't have smiled in return. Well, he would have, but he would never admit that. She quickly pressed her lips to his, making him give a muffled squeak of surprise and pull back.

"What? Embarrassed we have an audience?" she teased, sticking out her tongue.

Ryota blushed, feeling the urge to cover his face. He was a bit irritated with her comment, his brows furrowing. But, truth be told, he preferred the audience. The male leaned forward to kiss her again, smirking against her lips as he looked up at his bodyguard. Even if it was just Hotaka watching them, he wanted to show his position in the girl's heart. Then he paused. He thought she knew about the purple-haired male's feelings, even if the male in question had no idea about them. She couldn't have kissed him to tell him to back off, could she have? Odd.

"Did teasing me make you feel better?" he mocked, crossing his arms over his chest, "I should have known. Once a pervert, always a pervert."

"I don't know. It kind of feels nice to be in charge and not led around."

"Suit yourself. Just eat and get your strength back so we can go home, hm? I don't really enjoy hospitals, you know."

The (h/c) haired girl groaned. She still didn't feel like eating. Regardless, the male was right. If at all possible, she would have preferred to be in the very secure Akiyama manor than in a hospital. Begrudgingly, she began to munch on this or that, working her way around the tray. And though she didn't take big spoonfuls of the hot foods, it was enough that she was trying, at least. Ryota patted her head, trying to tell her he was proud. Of course, he should have realized she wouldn't take kindly to it. Immediately, he was swatted at like he was a fly. Though, he could only laugh.

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