Chapter 67: Exchange

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(Y/n) woke up suddenly, jolting forward before being pulled into a passionate kiss. She let a peep escape from her lips before the kiss became more aggressive, at which point the male sighed. His voice was prominent in the breathy release, allowing her to determine it was Ryota, even without opening her eyes. Surprised, she leaned into it, the male placing her hands on his chest and around his neck. He was very adamant about her touching him as much as she could, even holding tighter around her when she moved back just a little.

When they finally parted, it was not by his choice, the girl squeezing onto him before turning away for air. He narrowed his eyes and pulled her in again for a kiss. Exhausted and not fully recovered, she turned her head away, hearing him huff. He then, instead, aimed for her neck, smothering her in kisses. She began chuckling, which, in turn, only made him kiss her more. Then she froze up.

Confused, the green-haired male scrutinized her facial expression. He bit his lip, pondering if what had happened the previous day was weighing on her. Clearly, she was distraught, knowing he would see her differently. However, as if to disprove that, he only kissed her more. Strangely enough, his body became more tense as if all of his joints were locking up. He was just as nervous as she was.

"I-I want to explain," the younger girl sputtered out, grabbing at him as if he were slipping away, "It's just that I was - I didn't - I - No, listen - "

"It's not your fault," he replied, nuzzling her affectionately with a saddened smile, "I need to stop pushing you into a corner. With what you've been through, I can't imagine - "

"No, I - "

"I love you either way. I swear. So, you don't need to explain or make excuses. Just tell me what you want. You don't have to suffer anymore."

The younger girl shivered as he spoke. She could have imagined that Shota would have been numb to her killing, and that, because he already knew, Hotaka would have been more understanding. She had made sure to call him after making her mind up to kill them, so the girl was well aware he felt the deaths were on his shoulders for not picking up. However, Ryota was vastly different.

She didn't know much about his life before his father's company took off, but she doubted he had ever seen something be killed in front of him. Maybe, she figured, because he kept spewing things about wanting to take responsibility, he felt somewhat similar to Hotaka about it. Either way, it was important that she make him happy since she wasn't sure when he would turn away from her.

Biting her lip, she began to mull it over, surprised when the male parted her lips with a frown. Immediately, she understood how to paint herself as someone in need of protection. It was a talent she had always possessed. It was easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar, after all. And for Ryota, he must have been susceptible to sweet things, making it far easier to grab his attention than it ever had been with Hotaka.

"Could I - "

"Yes? What do you want?" he eagerly interrupted, his eyes shining in anticipation.

"Some strawberries. Ah, if that would be alright."

The corporate heir gave a pleased smile, softly bumping his forehead into hers before leaving the room. That gave her time to look around and figure out her surroundings because she definitely wasn't in the Akiyama mansion any longer. She hated when that happened, and she knew exactly who had suggested she be moved. It was clearly a ploy by Shota, so there were a handful of guesses she could make.

The door was locked. She imagined the redhead informed the others to always lock it, causing an unpleasant hollowness to well up in her heart. Thankfully, he had paid attention to her disdain for being caged, giving her more than enough room to feel secure. The room was larger than a bedroom should have been, leading her to believe it wasn't originally constructed for the purpose of sleeping in. It was likely a refurnished living room or something completely different. Either way, she also had a lock on her side of the room, letting her keep them out if she so wished. Maybe that was why she wasn't panicking as much as she usually was.

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