Chapter 16: High and Low

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Shota bit down on his nail as he paced around waiting for the younger girl's second bodyguard to arrive back at the manor. It had been hours since she had returned. The first of the bodyguards attempted to explain the situation, but it might as well have been for nothing. Gibberish was all the male heard, the sound of excuses being prattled off with no end in sight. It was embarrassing, and frankly, distressing.

After what the purple-haired male had said about there being complications and the concern written on his face, Shota seemed to have second thoughts about the take on the situation. Certainly, there was someone that had been after the (h/c) haired girl, but not one of those that witnessed it seemed to have a clue of who it was. Even the red-haired male was at a loss for any potential candidates.

Walking from this corner to that corner, the male threw his head back. With each passing moment, his mind spun a thousand miles a minute. If the younger girl's bodyguard had been done in, the true danger posed to her was imminent. He wasn't certain what he could have done. Hiring more guards may have sufficed and scared off any potential threats, but his darling would not have been pleased. In fact, she may have retaliated by shirking them all of entirely. That would have intensified his worry for her, and he would have done something regretful out of impulse.

"Does he not have a tracker on him?!" Shota finally growled out, directing his worries towards the other bodyguard and Okura as well, "How can he be completely missing from any and all of my surveillance units?"

"It may be more than we initially thought. There was a gun on the premises of the bar that the young miss had attended with her classmates. We had believed it was unrelated, but after this, it is likely something to keep an eye on."

"Obviously! What I want to know is how to keep her safe! We have two days to figure out how to solve this issue. Two. After that, she goes back to school without security, defense, or even any information on who is after her! Damn it!"

The red-haired male slammed his hands against the wall, pounding his fist against it with great hatred. There was a boiling and seething rage building up within him and prompting him to practically burst at the seams. He had no idea how to release that undeniable urge to destroy everything around him. Instead, his hands did the thinking, kicking over a table and sending the papers and files on it flying around.

"If I may suggest," the ginger-haired man hummed, presenting a binder of documents to his master, "School may not be the issue here. I believe that it is a relatively safe space as long as Ishikawa and his mentors reside there. They are the best of the best."

"And if Ishikawa turns out to harm her instead?"

"There are more than enough reports to confirm his kind nature."

"Kind? He is a government militant prodigy; a killer, no?"

Okura seemed to disagree despite the correct stream of thinking that the male had. Rather, he motioned to the binder of documents, encouraging the male to educate himself not only on the personality of the purple-haired male, but his feats, friends, education, and his background. It all seemed to support what the ginger-haired male had said. Giving a huff, Shota threw the binder to the side and pushed back his hair.

"Fine. It's acceptable for now, but I want a permanent and domestic solution. I don't need an Akiyama bodyguard snooping around my fiancee," the male growled, gritting his teeth together, "Find the missing guard. That should be a priority right now. He may have essential information. In the meantime, Okura, I'll entrust you with finding measures to take to prevent harm towards (Y/n)."

"It would be my pleasure."


The meek voice that echoed from the corner of the room made all three men jump. The bodyguard stood to alert at the sound of Nami, concerned about what she had heard. Like most everyone else in the manor, he firmly believed their young heiress was to be protected at all costs, whether it plagued her mind or her body. Her heart was another thing that could not be tampered with, and in hearing the harm posed to the young lady she thought of as her big sister, it could lead to tears. Tears were never good.

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