Chapter 38: Stealing Home

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By the time the game was about to begin, the entire stadium was filled. College baseball was a far bigger of a deal than (Y/n) had believed, so much so that when the speakers came on and they were welcomed, not only was Athainian spoken but Afruan as well. Granted, it could have been because the opposing team was mainly Afruan, but it was unlikely as many of the audience, from what she could see, were native-born Afruans.

She hadn't had much experience with the language, only knowing Athainian due to her birth in the country. The girl also couldn't make heads nor tails of the writing system and though she attempted to separate the sentences spoken through the speaker into at least some words, it was hopeless. It must have been conjugated in a way that was attached to the root. Still, she could not deny how incredibly beautiful the language was regardless. It made her wonder how often Hotaka really spoke it. After all, he only ever spoke Athainian unless he was in his neighborhood.

Thinking on it, the (h/c) haired girl knew very little of the culture as well. While she had seen a lot of it firsthand when she had gone on an outing with the purple-haired male, there was a lot more she wanted to learn. In particular, she had a real craving for the food. Looking around as if she could catch a glimpse of some, she soon stopped as she realized the futility of the endeavor. After all, aside from what she was served at Hotaka's home, she didn't know what else could have been considered Afruan food.

And, in truth, as she considered such things even more, she didn't even know the history of the country. For certain, there was a disparity between the Athainians and the Afruans, the former looking down on the latter. She had heard something about a princess as well, but, for the most part, she couldn't have even stated on the political goings-on either. Whether it was a republic, democratic, socialist, or an alternative way of living, she couldn't tell. It was definitely interesting, to say the least. She would make sure to learn at a later time.

"Does the school offer Afruan language classes?" she murmured to herself, Sitri tilted her head.

"Why would you want to learn something like that? Everyone speaks Athainian anyway."

"Just a tiny little thought is all. Sorry."

Shrugging, the ravenette smacked Kenko's hand away from her hair, the brunette sobbing as though he'd been betrayed. He'd put in the extra work to move his hand behind the seat to touch her naturally curly hair, but even then, she never let him. Of course, in truth, he was very amused by the stubborn attitude she possessed. Their bickering was like that of siblings, and that was how he liked it.

"Ah, nice! Home team, home team, home team!"

As the Drisless players ran out into the field, it was easy to spot the unusual hair color of Hotaka even despite the cap he had on. He gave a cheerful wave to his friends, all three of them giving varying levels of enthusiasm and support. Sitri was probably the least affected, simply clapping her hands together and giving an almost sarcastic "whoo" while Kenko shouted at the top of his lungs. He was a big fan of the pitcher, in particular. Of course, because of that, (Y/n) believed it must have been her responsibility to cheer on Hotaka as best as she could. Standing up, she waved her arms as broad as she could and jumped up and down.

"Look, he's blushing," Kenko teased, receiving another slap from the ravenette.

Of course, the brunette was only making things up, but all three of them could tell he was very touched by the support she gave him. Sitting back down, almost embarrassed by the show she'd put on, the (h/c) haired girl cleared her throat and watched eagerly to see how the game would unfold. She didn't understand the significance of being the home team, but she did enjoy seeing the purple-haired male out on the field first.

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