Chapter 1: Amnesia

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(Y/n) sat in disbelief, her hands folded in her lap with the greatest of unease. She furrowed her brow with vast confusion. It was a shock to hear such a thing, especially considering how young she looked. As she stared at herself in the mirror across the room, she noted she must have been perhaps nineteen or so in age. To be engaged at such a time in her life seemed bizarre.

The red-haired male in front of her gave a joyful and yet still somber smile, holding onto the bed. She had shied away when he attempted to hold her hand, and though he wished he could make contact with her, he understood it would be better to have her comfortable. Still, it made him feel lonely to not be able to squeeze her hand for solace. He was uncertain how to feel about it.

"When did this happen?" the younger girl asked, giving a concerned sigh, "No, actually, can we start from the beginning? Who am I?"

Shota gave a kind smile, eager to tell her how much he loved her. Of course, he didn't want to scare her or come off too strongly, but it was best she knew of his feelings for her as soon as possible. Thus, with the most delicate tone and simplest of diction, he attempted to describe to her how they met and her situation. He couldn't stop himself from feeling elated by reliving it, however.

From what he had told her, they attended the same high school, and they had fallen in love. There were complications involved in their relationship - as there tended to be - but they persisted through them. Much later along the line, the red-haired male had proposed to her, and for a while, everything was sound. However, it was bound not to last. Pushing herself and being torn between making time for school, part-time jobs, and numerous other responsibilities, she suddenly collapsed. The stress had eaten away at her, and she had been diagnosed with retrograde amnesia.

After hearing the male's explanation, the (h/c) haired girl gave a sigh. It felt almost eerie to hear about herself when she had no memory of who she was. That being said, the kind glances of admiration that the red-haired male gave her almost alleviated them. At that moment in time, he knew her far better than she knew herself. Every touch of his seemed to reflect that fact. He knew just where to hold or pet her to make the sinking feeling in her chest fade away. That alone filled her with the very notion of love. She must have been attached to him beforehand if her body still remembered him.

"It's a lot to take in, I know," he smiled, placing a quaint kiss on the back of her hand, "and I don't expect everything to go back to normal. But, if you are ever in need of anything, please feel as though you can rely on me."

While the male was reluctant to leave the younger girl - holding on to every minute he could squeeze out of visitor time - at some point, he had to leave. When the time came, he gave a worried look, attempting to sway the hospital staff into giving him a few more precious moments. Still, with an attached and concerned hug, the red-haired male placed a kiss on the top of the younger girl's head. Her face flared red and soon thereafter, she buried herself in the sheets. But even if she couldn't see him, she sensed his smile with hints of apprehension.

To (Y/n)'s surprise, the hospital room she was confined to felt lonely. She had only known the male for however long she had been up that day, but then again, he insisted they knew one another for quite some time. It must have been true. After all, without him, the world felt strange and foreign to her. She couldn't deny she missed his comforting presence and the way he held her hand during every little step she took.

Truth be told, it felt as though the male treated her like a child. He was so overly worried for her wellbeing, it prompted many questions to rise in her mind. Perhaps many of them made little to no sense, but she nonetheless thought of them. After all, until he came back to her room, she had nothing but time to kill. It was kind of him to provide many things for her entertainment, including a state-of-the-art computer.

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