Chapter 42: Proposition - Let's Make A Deal

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Ryota still put up a front even though the (h/c) haired girl tried to get as close to him as possible. He definitely couldn't take a hint, that was for sure, but it wasn't enough to make her give up. Rather, she was only encouraged further, motivating herself to make an impression on him. Preferably, she would have liked it to be a positive one, but the severely pessimistic way the male handled things was a huge obstacle to that. So she aimed, instead, to make herself useful to him.

Just a bit away from the house there was a stable. It was in the same style as the house, very modern and technologically advanced. The horses were also treated very well. It looked like their stables were more luxurious than Ryota's room. At the very least, there were more things inside than the room she had just been in. Perhaps he spent all of his allowance money on his horses instead of on himself. She chuckled.

The male didn't introduce the horses to her, letting her figure out which horse was which. They were all incredibly gorgeous and obviously well-treated. The first one to pop its head out and greet her was a completely white horse. It shook its head before looking at its owner, stomping its front foot on the ground. When he didn't respond, it did it again. Then again. As it realized he wasn't paying attention to them, the horse huffed and gave him the same treatment.

The second horse was dark brown with a black mane and tail. It was currently nuzzling Ryota's head. While he tried to pretend like he wasn't at all pleased with its affection, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop from turning up. And when she turned her head away to look at some of the saddles, he took the opportunity to pet the horse's neck, quick to snap back to "indifference" when she looked back at him.

The last horse was brown with large white patches all over it. Its hair also followed the trend. It was trotting around its pen, probably expressing its desire to run. Perhaps seeing the green-haired male was a promise to exercise as much as they wanted. Becoming excited when the younger girl came over to say hello, the horse began to trot faster, making its owner blush. When he couldn't take pretending to be cold any longer, the male grabbed three treats: apple slices, sugar cubes, and a carrot.

"Here," he murmured, putting the latter in her hand, "Give it to Xia. The fussy one."

Looking back over at the pure white horse, the (h/c) haired girl extended the carrot. Not caring who was feeding her, the horse munched on it quietly, settling down. On the contrary, the horse trotting around its pen only got more excited as it devoured the apple slices. Expecting the reaction, the male opened the pen and began to put on its reigns and saddle. Jealous, the dark brown horse stomped its front leg, lowering its head.

"Give me a second."

Before the younger girl knew it, the reigns of the patchy horse were thrown in her hands. Excited, the horse tried to drag her out of the stable and into the open green lawn. Squeaking at Ryota for help, she wasn't at all surprised when he gave a sadistic smirk. He probably thought she was getting what she deserved, but, in the end, he did help. Bringing the jealous horse along with him, he whistled, the horse in (Y/n)'s hands immediately stopping.

"Are we going to ride?" she questioned, watching as the horse continued expressing its desire to run around.

"Ten minutes. Then you leave."

As the younger girl was helped on the horse, she received a crash course on how to ride. Of course, by no means had she learned everything she needed to know and by no means was Ryota a good teacher, but it was better than nothing. She was only lucky the horse she was riding on was a well-tamed one, unlike the fussy Xia and the picky Mei. If Lin ever got out of control, all the male would have to do was click his tongue and he would immediately slow and follow his owner.

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