Chapter 34: Convinced Yet?

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 Hotaka hadn't expected his mentor to offer to take him out to a bar. It was hardly professional, but since the two were "old friends", it wasn't too surprising. However, he had to decline. If not for his other classes at the university, he had to see if the (h/c) haired girl would show up at lunch. After leaving her in a killer's hands, he couldn't bear to avoid her. He had to apologize, make it up to her, and especially help remove her from that estate. The Major, on the other hand, didn't understand his refusal. He was old enough to drink, so he was old enough to accept the invitation.

"Can't we talk about this like men? I don't even know what on earth is wrong with you, kid. We can't train if your head is like this."

"I just messed all. I saw something I should have fought for. Instead, I ran. And now she's all alone. I don't even know if - "

"Ugh, girl problems? I'm no help there but keep talking, I guess. Let's start with who she is first, what she's like, the drill."

The purple-haired male didn't quite understand how to properly respond to the question proposed. Of course, he knew a great amount about the girl. She'd only been sitting with him and his friends at lunch every weekday. But, when asked to describe her, he couldn't say anything; his tongue tied. What was he to say? How she laughed? Or maybe it would have been best to describe her pleasant appearance. Really, he didn't know, remaining silent for quite a while until he heard the snapping of the navy-haired Major.

"Well - She's...nice."


"I mean, she's - I don't know what you want to hear. She's pretty smart, has a scholarship and all that. She likes the cake the cafeteria serves. And sometimes I swear she's so strong that she could knock out a bull with just her head! Also, good with kids, at least my siblings and Ayori, but there's something...wrong with her."

"I thought we were talking about you having a crush on her. Now it sounds like you think she murdered someone."

"Well, almost the complete opposite, actually."

The Major lifted a brow. Somehow, some way, the kid always managed to find himself near a crime scene. It seemed murder was especially compelled to attach itself to him. The man laid down on the ground as he watched Hotaka go about his thinking process. He would scrunch his nose here or there when encountering some difficulties, but for the most part, he typically had a blank face. That was the reason many people labeled him as "dense" when he was actually incredibly intelligent.

"She came over to the Akiyama estate the other day, and when I tried to take her back, I saw Yasojiro kill someone. I don't know who it is, and I never did see the victim clearly. He hid it, and he hid it well. I think he's done it before. And all the excuses he had at the ready...they were too well-rehearsed."

"Your luck is shot, kid. Don't ever buy a lottery ticket or work the slots, you hear me?"

"And I tried to figure out what was best to do, but I just ended up running away. I left her in the hands of a killer, and I don't know if she's alive or dead or even if her body is still there. I don't know what to do a-and all I want to do is tell her I'm sorry and t-that I'm an idiot. I want to get her to someplace safe a-and I really can't stop thinking about her!"

"'re not hearing me."

"I feel like I should just burst through Yasojiro's doors and take her away. I-I don't know where I'd keep her. That murderer has eyes everywhere. I can't keep her at my family home. It's way too cramped for someone like her, and Yasojiro already knows where I live. But, if it can't be my home, I can't keep her in an apartment or hotel or something. If I did, she'd be alone and without protection. Then there's - "

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