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I stood on the Platform in front of the train and took a deep breath. "Don't forget to write to me," my mother said. I smiled and she took my hands. "Please take care of yourself, dear" she said. I pulled away. "I'll be fine." I said. My mother pulled Draco to the side and they whispered. But I heard every word they said. "Please keep an eye on her." my mother said. "Don't worry. I'm going to talk to Marcus." he said. She nodded and they walked back over. "Goodbye kids." she said. We put our trunks away and got on the trains. "Draco, Twin talk now" I said. We walked down the aisle and I pulled Draco into an empty one. "What?" he asked. "Don't you say a word to Marcus." I said calmly. He sighed. "Ronnie, you are my sister. You expect me to just-" he started. "I expect you to mind your own business." I snapped. "You know what? Fine Ronnie, be Marcus's punching bag. I'm done caring." he snapped. "Good." I spat. "Fine." he said. "Let's just go find our friends," I said. He rolled his eyes and we walked to where the Slytherins sat. Draco and I have the same friend group. You would think we wouldn't. You'd think we would want to be apart from each other since we are siblings but it's actually the opposite. We are better together. Stronger. People either fear or respect the Malfoy twins. Our friend group consists of Allison ( my best friend) Marcus (my boyfriend) Blaise, Theo, Enzo, and Pansy (sometimes). We walked to the back of the train and people always stepped to the side, clearing out of the way for us. "Ah there's our beloved blondes" Allison said. I rolled my eyes. "Finally, I didn't think you'd make it in time." Theo said. I said next to him and he kissed me on the cheek. "Yes, yes, I'm here. Keep it in your pants boys." I said. Draco sat next to me and I rolled my eyes. "I sense some tension between the twins," Blaise teased. "Piss of Blaise" Draco said. "Of course there's tension, this one can't mind his bloody business." I snapped. Draco scoffed. "What's this about?" Allison asked. Draco looked and raised his eyebrow. "Go on Ronnie, tell them." he said. "I said it's none of your business and that goes for all of you, so drop it." I said sharply. They all knew me well enough to know when it was time to shut up. They may be my friends but they still knew not to mess with me. "So how was everyone's summer?" Allison asked. She knew when it was time to change the subject. "Fine, father made me do an internship at the Ministry" Theo said. "Until you got kicked out for smoking muggle herb" Blaise said. I looked at him. "Seriously Theo?" I asked. "I couldn't survive that place without it." he shrugged. "You are unbelievable." I said. "Tell me about it." he replied. He swung his arm around me. "Sod off Theo," I said pushing his arm off. "Awww I know you love me." he said. "Are you high right now?" Enzo asked. "Maybe." he said. We all laughed. "Pathetic," I said. "Yes, very pathetic" a familiar voice said. I looked up and stood in front of us as Marcus. "Hello Love," he said. I forced a smile. I could feel Draco staring. "Draco mate, mind if I take your spot?" he asked. "A. I'm not your mate. And B. I do mind. Find a different seat." he snapped. I elbowed him. I could feel Marcus's eyes. He was giving me the look. The look that meant 'choose your next move very carefully'. "Get up Draco. I want to sit next to Marcus." I said. "No." he said. "Draco, they haven't seen each other all summer. Let them sit together." Allison said. "Is there a problem?" Marcus asked. Draco stood up facing Marcus. They stood toe to toe. "I don't know, should there be?" Draco said. I pushed Draco out of the way and pulled Marcus down. "You know what, I'm going to sit somewhere else. I'm not going to watch this." he said as he stormed off. Everyone's faces were full of confusion. "What was that about?" Enzo asked. "He's just in a pissy mood. He'll get over it." I said. "I missed you darling." Marcus said. He kissed me and squeezed my inner thigh gently. I smiled. "I missed you too." I said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kept his hand resting on my inner thigh. I wanted to move. But I didn't. It would just piss him off. It's better if I just do what he says.

Everyone kept talking about their summers and the upcoming year and quidditch until the train stopped. I grabbed my bag from above and we headed for the carriages. Draco finally caught up with us. He stayed behind me and walked with Enzo. I heard them talking. "Are you alright mate?" he asked. "Yes." he said. "What was going on on the train with Marcus?" he asked. Luckily before he could answer, we walked by Potter and his stupid friends. "I thought you'd been tossed in Azkaban by now Potter, shame." I said. "Oh piss of Malfoy." Ron said. Draco walked up next to me. "You might want to watch how you speak to my sister Weaslebee." Draco said. "Now Draco, play nice. If Potter was tossed in Azkaban, who would we have our fun with?" I said. Allison walked up and stood on my other side. "There's always the mudblood." she said. I smirked at Granger. "Too easy, all you have to say is mudblood and she loses it." I said laughing. "Don't you all have anything better to do?" Harry asked. "Well let's see, I already get better grades than you so no need to study. I have proper friends, so no need to slum it with mudbloods and blood traitors. And oh yes, I do have parents, so no need to constantly find myself complaining about that. So I guess the answer is no." I said. He glared at me. "You bitch" Harry spat. In a split second, Draco & I pulled our wands and pointed it at his throat. "Ah, ah, ah, careful Potter." Draco said. Granger pulled them both away. "Let's just go," she said. We all laughed. "They are too easy." I said. We all climbed onto the carriage and were on our way to Hogwarts. We arrived at Hogwarts and sat down at the Slytherin table. The first years were sorted and Pansy sat down next to Draco. I smirked at him and he rolled his eyes. "Hi Dracy, I missed you over the summer." she said. Enzo, Theo and Blaise chuckled. "Parkinson I thought I told you to piss off." he said. She rolled her eyes. "Why Dracy I-" she started. Draco looked at me for help. I caved. "You heard my brother Parkinson, Piss off. He's not interested and I can practically smell the desperation from here." I said. "Why are you such a bitch Veronica?" she asked. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Because bitches get things done." I snapped. "Damn," Theo said. Enzo whistled. Pansy just scoffed and went over to sit with Astoria. "I told you not to sleep with her," I said. "Yeah, you mentioned." he said rubbing his temples. Dumbledore started to give his speech but he was interrupted by this chick in pink. "I recognize her," Theo whispered. "What?" Allison asked. "Yeah, from the Ministry. I don't remember what she did, I think she works for Fudge." he said. "Interesting." I said. "Now students, listen up," Dumbledore said. Everyone looked up at him. "There is one last sorting to take place. If you will all welcome Mattheo Riddle," he said. The entire room went silent. Then a boy with dark curls and dark eyes walked in. I stared at Draco and he gave me the look of 'I don't know either' He sat down on the stool and the hat was placed on his head. "Ah, well this is a surprise. I know just where to put you. SLYTHERIN!" it yelled. "No shock there," Marcus said. I nodded. He walked over with an evil grin on his face. We made eye contact and I felt goosebumps cover my skin. I tried to pull my eyes away but I couldn't. "Let the feast begin," Dumbledore yelled. Mattheo sat at the very end of the table, completely alone. "Should we go sit with him?" Allison asked. "Looks like Parkinson's taking care of that." I said laughing to myself. Pansy walked over and sat close to him. She introduced herself and we listened closely. "Nice to meet you," she said. He looked her up and down. "If you need someone to tour the castle with or even just some company, I'd be glad to provide it." she said. "Parkinson right?" he asked. She nodded eagerly. "I distinctly remember your father. Yes, he seems to be just another one of my fathers loyal followers right?" he asked. Pansy gulped. "Um well, I don't-" she started. "Pathetic, you grovel just like him. Don't make me hurt you little girl" he spat. She quickly stood up and ran away. He looked at us. "What are you looking at?" he said. Everyone looked away but not me. We kept eye contact. And for a second, I could have sworn he smiled.

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