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"Mattheo, stop, you're hurting me." I said as he dragged me by my wrist. He pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door. "Mufflito." he mumbled. I rubbed my wrist and he turned to face me. "What the fuck was that?" I exclaimed. "Don't fucking talk to me like that." he spat. "No. You were the one that asked the question. I just answered honestly. And Theo and I only slept together once when we were really drunk and now it's just like a joke to us." I said. He pinned my wrists to the door and forced his knee in between my legs. "You are mine. Got it?" he demanded. "No. I don't belong to anyone but myself. You can just-" I started when he crashed his lips onto mine. He pulled away and I was breathless. He stared at me and our faces were inches apart. "You are mine. Say it." he said. "I'm yours." I whispered. He smirked and "Now I have to punish you for disrespecting me." he said pulling his tie off. He wrapped it around my wrists and used a sticking charm to pin my arms above my head. "Mattheo, we are on the train. What if someone needs to-" I started. "Well, I guess they'll just have to wait until you cum twice." he said. I stared at him. "Twice?" I said, raising my eyebrows. "It seems only fair considering how well you took care of Theo and how it wasn't returned." he said smugly. I smiled. "That's so kind of you." I said. He began to kiss down my neck and chest as he palmed my breasts. His hands slid up my thigh and under my dress. He rubbed my clit and I bit my lip to hold in a moan. "I silenced the room so I could hear you. Don't hold it in love." he whispered. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and he slipped his fingers inside me. I let out a moan and I could feel him smirking. He pumped his fingers in and out of me and my core burned. He rubbed my clit with his thumb and the coil in my stomach tightened. "Fuck Mattheo, I'm gonna cum-" I choked out. "Cum for me." he whispered. I came on his fingers but he didn't stop. He pumped faster and the overstimulation caused me to cum again. Pleasure rocked my body and my head fell back as my legs shook. Mattheo placed a gentle kiss on my lips and untied me. "Good girl." he said. "Fuck, that was amazing." I said. "You did so good for me." he said. I smiled and used a cleaning charm. We straightened ourselves out and then headed back to the cabin. "Just remember that the next time you think about any other guy. I don't share darling." he whispered. Then we walked in and sat down. "Are you guys good?" Allison asked as we sat down. "Yeah, we had a good talk." Mattheo said, hiding his smirk. "You fucked her didn't you." Blaise asked. Mattheo chuckled and I smacked him. "No, he most certainly did not." I said. "Well then why are your legs shaking?" he asked. "Shut up Blaise, that's my sister." Draco snapped. I glared at Draco. "If you must know, he fingered me and it was so good I came twice." I said. Blaise and Enzo burst out laughing and Allison poked Theo. "Maybe you should ask Mattheo for some pointers." she said. Theo rolled his eyes and we all laughed. Then the train came to a stop.

The laughter ceased as Draco and I realized we were back in our terrifying reality. Mattheo squeezed my hand and I looked at him. "If anything happens, I can be there in an instant ok?" he whispered. I nodded. "Be careful" I whispered. "You too." he said. Then Draco and I walked over to a safe spot and pulled out the portkey. "Tell me the truth Ronnie, are you scared?" he asked. I sighed. "Yes Draco. I am. I thought because Mattheo was training me and I know the spells to defend myself that I wouldn't be but I am. I'm still terrified of him." I said. He gave a small sad smile. "It's ok Ronnie, I'm scared too." he said. I nodded. We both grabbed the potkey and within a second we were standing outside the gates of our own personal hell. I stared at our dark house and I felt Draco take my hand. I looked at him and smiled. "I got you." he said. "I got you too." I said. My brother, My responsibility. Then we walked inside.

We got inside and shut the door. Barry appeared in front of us with a crack. "Miss Veronica, Mister Draco, Master Malfoy is expecting you. Follow Barry." he said. We followed him to our fathers study. Then with another crack, Barry was gone. Draco knocked hesitantly and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Who is it?" our fathers voice snapped. "It's Draco and Veronica." Draco said. "Enter." he said. We opened the door and went inside. My father was sitting at his desk and my mother stood in the room too. Draco and I both gave our mother a quick hug, ignoring the glare on our fathers face. "I'm surprised you came seeing as you don't seem to listen to me anymore." my father said to me. "I listen to you when what you are saying is of use." I said. He chuckled. "Wow, look at you. All tough and brave. You think you're untouchable?" he asked. "No. But I do know you can't hurt me, Draco or mother." I said calmly. "I suppose that's true. To an extent. Because of the almighty powerful Mattheo Riddle." he said. I stood there silent. "But there is someone more powerful than him. His father. What would you think if he said I could hurt you?" he asked. My veins iced and my heart stopped. "I don't believe you. Why would Tom Riddle say that?" I asked. "He thinks his son believes he is more powerful than he is. You are going to be used to teach him a lesson." he said smugly. "Like hell. We are leaving. You can fuck off." Draco said. He took my hand and we started to leave. Suddenly, four death eaters wearing their masks stepped in front of us. "Draco" I whispered. "Grab them." my father said. I felt hands pull me away from Draco and my arms were pulled behind my back. "The Dark Lord and Mattheo will be here soon, till then put them in the cellar." my father called out. "Let her go!" Draco screamed. "Draco!" I yelled. They dragged us away from each other and I fought like hell. They dragged us down to the cellar and threw us down the steps. They conjured two chairs and I was thrown into one. "Incarcerous" a man said. My arms were tied behind my back and my ankles were tied to each leg of the chair. They did the same to Draco. Then they walked out and shut the door. Draco and I were both pulling on the ropes but mine wouldn't budge. "Draco, Draco I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just-" I started. "Hey Ronnie, it's not your fault. It's ok. We'll be fine." he said. I nodded. "Yeah, we'll be fine."...

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