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After a few minutes, I withdrew from her mind. Granger was panting on the floor, gasping for air. She stared at me in shock and confusion. "Why did you-" she started. Then my father, Bellatrix and Draco walked back in. "Did you find anything?" Bellatrix asked. "No. They bought the sword from the black market. She knows where Potter is but it was obliviated from her memory. I can't get it." I said. Granger stared at me. I knew she was trying to figure out why in the hell I was helping her. "Well I guess now I can just have my fun with her." Bellatrix said. She drew her wand and spoke before I could stop her. "Crucio!" she said. Granger thrashed and screamed on the floor. "Stop! Bellatrix, I said stop!" I yelled. I walked towards her but before I could stop her, Ron and Harry came charging out. Harry grabbed me and held his wand to my head. But Bellatrix grabbed Granger and held a knife to her throat. "Looks like we have ourselves a little standoff." Bellatrix taunted. "Let her go!" Harry said. "Look at you, Potter. All shiny and new again." she said. "Let her go," Harry spat. "Stand down, Bellatrix." I said sharply. "Are you mad?" she asked. "No. I order you to let her go." I said. Bellatrix glared at me. But then I heard a small squeaking. Then the chandelier came crashing down. Granger fell into Weasleys arms and we were all backed into a corner. It was Dobby. "Stupid elf! You could have killed me!" Bellatrix yelled. "Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure" he said. I wanted to laugh. "Now!" Harry whispered. Then I felt myself being sucked into an apparition. "Veronica!" Draco yelled. Him running towards me was the last thing I saw. I landed on my knees on cold wet sand and I looked around. Harry was behind me and I stood up. "What the hell? Why would you bring me here?" I asked. "I want answers!" he yelled. "Oh do you? Well too bad! I don't-" I started. "Veronica?" a small voice said. I turned around and there was Dobby. But buried in his gut was Bellatrix's knife. "No," I whispered. I ran forward and dropped to my knees to catch him. I held him in my arms and he looked at me. "Dobby-Dobby-you're ok. You'll be fine." I said. I looked at everyone. "Please help me!" I begged. Harry ran over. "Dobby-" he said. "Such a beautiful place... to be with friends," he said. "I'll fix you. I'll fix you like you always fixed me. Remember?" I asked. Dobby smiled. "I'll miss you, Miss Veronica," he said softly. Then his head fell back and his body went limp. Tears fell to my cheeks. I looked up and Luna was there. "We should close his eyes. Then he could be sleeping," she said gently. She closed them and I stood up. I drew my wand and I was about to apparate when Harry spoke. "Where are you going?" he asked. "Home." I said. "No, you aren't. You need to pay for what you did!" Ron yelled. He fired a curse at me and it caught me off guard. The spell hit me and I went unconscious.

I opened my eyes and something was wrong. I looked down and I was tied to a chair in an empty bedroom. I tried to scream but there was a gag in my mouth. I struggled but the bonds were strong. Then I heard footsteps. The door opened and Harry, Granger and Weasley walked in. Fuck, I'm screwed. "Told you she was awake," Weasley said. Harry pulled the gag from my mouth and I stared at them. "Where am I? And where's my wand?" I asked. "We aren't going to tell you where you are or where your wand is hidden," Weasley said. "Fine." I said. "Now we have questions. Starting with, why didn't you tell Bellatrix it was me?" Harry asked. "I didn't know it was you." I lied. He scoffed. "Bullshit. You knew it was me and you lied. I want to know why." he said. I said nothing. "Then maybe you want to tell me why you stopped Bellatrix from torturing me?" Granger asked. I stayed quiet. "Tell us why you killed Dumbledore." Weasley asked. Silent. "Answer us!" Harry yelled. I just stared at him. "Say something," he said. His voice was desperate. "Is Luna ok?" I asked. He gave me a look of confusion. "She's fine," he said. I just nodded. "What? Are you sad your plans to kill her were foiled?" Weasley spat. "I was never going to hurt Luna. And if you people never showed up, they would have been freed in 2 days and Dobby would still be alive!" I yelled. Their faces fell. "What does that mean? Freed?" Granger asked. "Nothing," I mumbled. "Don't act like you care about Dobby." Harry hissed. "I did care about Dobby. He took care of me for 12 years. He healed me and played with me when I was a child. He was my friend. And now he's dead." I said. "Because of your aunt." Weasley snapped. "Yes." I said plainly. Harry stared at me with a puzzled look. "Let's just go." Granger said. "No! I want answers. And she probably has loads of information about Voldemort. Especially since she's fucking his son-" he said. "No, Ron." Harry said. "If we interrogate her, we could-" he started. "I said no. We aren't death eaters. We don't torture people for infortmation." Harry said. "Why not? They would do it to us. If we want to win this war, we have to-" he began. "I said no!" Harry yelled. Weasley glared at him. "I knew it. You still have feelings for the traitor." Weasley spat. "Ron!" Granger exclaimed. Harry looked at me and I looked at him. Then he stormed out. Granger followed him and Weasley looked at me.
"We aren't done." he spat.

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