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"Veronica, we've been practicing for an hour. You need to rest." Mattheo said. We had been practicing wandless magic and right now I was trying to take his wand. His voice broke my concentration and I shook my head. "Just a bit longer." I said. He walked over and kissed me resting his hands on my waist. "Come on, you need to sleep." he said. I nodded and we crawled into bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I traced shapes on his hand. "My brother is right Mattheo. This is wrong. I shouldn't be so ok with what's happening." I said. He sighed and his breath tickled my neck. "I understand. But this life, it's inescapable. I want to keep you safe." he said. I turned to face him and our faces were inches apart. "I know." I whispered.


It's been pretty calm this past week. That should have been a red flag. The calm before the storm. We were all having breakfast and talking. "If Snape assigns another essay, I'm going to lose it. It's like we never stop writing." Allison complained. "Yeah, you guys should tell him to cool it." Enzo said nodding and me and Draco. "Why us?" Draco asked. "He's your godfather..." Theo said. "True." Draco said. "Incoming." Blaise said as the owls came flying in to deliver mail. An owl swooped in and dropped a letter in between me and Draco. I immediately recognized the deep emerald envelope and my heart began to pound. I looked at Draco and he had that same fear in his eyes. "Not it." he said. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Fine." I mumbled. I peeled back the wax Malfoy seal and opened the letter. Then I began to read...

Veronica & Draco,

As you know, Winter Break is approaching. You two are expected to come home and spend the entirety of your break at Malfoy Manor. The annual ball will also take place and I expect you both to find proper pureblood dates. During this time, there are many things to be discussed and you are expected to be present for it all. I expect nothing less than for you to behave as the proper Purebloods I have raised you to be. If you fail to do so, there will be consequences. Consequences not even a certain boyfriend can save you from. That is all.

Lucius Malfoy

"Just great" I groaned. "What? What is it?" he asked nervously. I handed him the letter and he scanned it. "Great." he mumbled. "Is that from dear daddy?" Blaise teased. "Yeah." Draco said. "Fun, what's he want?" Theo asked. "Just telling us we are expected at home for winter break. Also we have to get dates for the Malfoy Winter Ball." I said. "Who are you going to ask, Draco? I'm sure Pansy would love to accompany you." Enzo teased. "Piss off, there's no way I'm asking her." he said and we all laughed. "I don't get why we need dates, everyone is going to be there anyway. I mean, you guys are coming right?" I asked. "My mom already bought my dress." Allison said. "Yah, I'm going." Blaise added. "As if I have a choice." Theo said. "Same here." Enzo added. "I hate these stupid things. Listening to them talk about all the gossip within the purebloods and shit like that." Draco complained. "We can just get drunk." Enzo said, smirking. "Brilliant, I'll bring the muggle herb." Theo added. "Fine by me, there's no way I can do that night sober." Draco said. I elbowed him and he looked at me. "What was that for?" he snapped. "You really want to get wasted at the Malfoy ball? Father will kill you!" I exclaimed. "Good. Father is going to kill me one day anyway. Better to be sooner rather than later." he said. Then he stood up and walked out. I buried my face in my hands and sighed. "Alright V?" Allison whispered. "Yeah, just worried about him." I said. She nodded. "He'll be alright, he always is." she said. "I know." I said. Then I realized I haven't seen Mattheo all morning. "Hey, I'm gonna go look for Mattheo. Cover for me alright?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah, no problem. Go." she said. I nodded and took off.

I checked all his normal spots like, the Astronomy Tower, and the dock and he wasn't there. So I headed for his dorm. I got there and knocked. "Mattheo- It's Veronica." I said. Quiet. "Alohomora." I whispered. The lock clicked and I opened the door. I walked in and my heart stopped. "I'm fine Veronica." he said. He wasn't. He was not fine. There was a huge gash across his chest and he had a dark black eye. I stared at the blood dripping down his skin and it made me sick. I shut the door and rushed over. "What the fuck?!" I exclaimed. "It's nothing. I'm fine." he grumbled. I grabbed a wet rag and held it to his skin and he winced. "Fuck" he sighed. I pointed my wand at his chest and healed the cut as best I could. Then I did the same with his eye. "Thanks." he said quietly. I sat down on his trunk which sat at the foot of his bed. I stared at my hands and he buttoned up a fresh shirt. Then he sat down next to me. He took my hand and I looked at him. "Who did that to you?" I asked. "It doesn't matter, I said I'm fine. There's no ne-" he started. "Who." I said sharply. He sighed. "My father." he said. "What? Why? Why would he-" I started. "It doesn't matter." he said. "Tell me." I said. He shook his head. "I stood up and stared at him. "Tell me." I yelled. He stood up and towered over me. "I said no, you don't get to give orders." he spat. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Isn't that exactly what I'm supposed to do? What happened to you being the heir to the throne? To us leading?" I asked. "Yes, we will be in power and lead. But you must still remember your place." he said. I scoffed. "Which is?" I asked. "Second to me. Always. Do you understand? You have power but only because you serve me." he said. I stared at him in disbelief. "You know if you're funny, Marcus used to say something similar. Maybe you two are more alike than I thought." I said. I turned on my heel and started to leave. "Veronica!" he called after me. I got to the door and he grabbed my wrist. "You don't walk away from me." he said. "Is that an order?" I asked. His face softened a bit. "No. Just please, let me explain." he said. I looked into his eyes and nodded. "Fine." I said.

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